Kuroneko Kareshi no Amaekata
Kuroneko Kareshi No Nakasekata
Kuroneko Kareshi no Afurekata
Kuroneko Kareshi no Aishikata
The Tiger Who Swallowed The Moon
c18p23 jealous of friendship ; c19p23; c22p27/c23p6; c23p29; c24p31-c25/c26p13 D learns about vampires; c25p27 lol; c26p8; c29p26; c31p4; c31p24; c32p32; c33; c33p32; c 35 p30; c36p12; c37-38; c40-41; c42; c44p23-45; c45p53; c47; c51p19; c 52p16; c52p25 worried he’ll leave him; c53 side cp/learns he’s been drinking blood in fugue state; c54; c55p28-c56; c59p19; c60p15
Fate Makes No Mistakes
c31 relive their deaths/Hwan appears; c32-33; c38 memories he forgot; c39-40 talk/needs him; c44 reapers are criminals; c46 what marking means/learns his name’s meaning; c49-56/60 truth about San; c57/59 side cp; c61 guilt; c62 only two choices when a memories so painful it’ll kill you; c64 San regains his memories; c67 plan; c68 erases E’s memories of San; c65/c69-71 reaper wants to know what he’s feeling; c72p8 bow prophecy; c76 let’s go of aunt; c77 confrontation w Hwan;
Shinnyuu Kinshi no Koi