Neon Sign Amber
Stone faced club bouncer and party boy. Love it.
Sumanai!! Masumi-kun
An editor and daughter of writer conspire. Will editor and writer get together?
Oki Ni Mesu Mama
After Morning Love
HS homeless rent boy and lawyer. Some drama, not very explicit :(
Daiji na Koto na no de, Nido.
Best friends. One gay, one straight. Cute!
Ki ga Au to Iu Koto wa
Two great stories. First about a guy "haunting" his be from HS, and new guy (with a crush) is their conduit. Second about longtime BFFs, with one gay and in love with straight divorcee friend. Second one kinda cliche...overdone in yaoi world. But first one was great! Besides cliche/trope of second, pts lost because I like a little more sexy scenes ;) Bonus pt because first story actually has all men involved originally gay instead of the GFY trope.
Yachin Hanbun No Ibasho Desu
Three stories. First good...roommates to lovers. Second, eh. Part of another story haven't read. Third story AWFUL. Cheating ass hole and somehow is bfs fault. Made no sense and made me irrationally disgusted/angry. Was waiting for bf to be with bff!
Sojou No Koi Wa Nido Haneru