Shounen No Kyoukai
A bit philosophical and slightly tragic. Serious drama more than smexy.
Kamiato Kara, Hatsukoi
uncensored. which is yummy.
Hypnosis Mic - I'm not an Omega
Nani Ka Ii No Mitsuketa!
A really awesome and tender story with two delightful main characters who are so opposite but so complimentary. The way the same just totally enveloped the uke with unselfconscious love and affection gave me goosebumps. Note: On re-read the rape / stalker esqe aspects bothered me now I fall between the two feelings...
Daikirai no Saki Kara Miteru
I'm certain I've read this or the related manga...but still maybe return, read, rate...
Harami Bara
Hardcore Fetish Porn and nothing but. Not even my fetish. Or only partly. But, gotta give it the nod - well done. To forever be know for the oft repeated cry of the MC: " I want SEMEN!!"
Chinrou Cantarella
HOT! I will have to see if the rest was translated.
Kabeana Heaven Hole
Sick but sexy.
Sono Yubi De Hagashite