Koisuru Ryuu no Shima
Ongoing | Chishanomi | 2019 released
2021-04-08 05:58 marked
Wow. Beautiful art, touching fable...
Lollipop Dragoon
Complete | Wasabi Maguro | 2007 released
I kinda struggled to follow this translation...kinda slapstick for my taste.
Kamikemono no Hakoniwa
Ongoing | Lone Sumohara | 2020 released
Draig Mid Knight
Complete | 이크 | 2000 released
And the knight and the dragon lived happily ever after, and everyone's hard feelings were all gone after a short debate and some fisticuffs, and who the hell knows who Shio was fucking and forcing to forget, since the author forgot all about that plot point?
Kamisama no Uroko