FujoshiDrip's manga / #reencounter(11)


Complete | Sachimo | 2000 released
2021-08-18 08:29 marked

disappointed hoping for switch cpl... but the smut still hot.

Nibiiro Musica

Complete | TOKORO Kemeko | 2014 released

This series is basically filled with fluff <3 but the smut kinda stiff.

Mobius Strip

Complete | sawamotosoji | 2000 released
2022-03-09 14:58 marked

the art is good but the story is lacking.

Red: My Superhero

Complete | Nori Seyoshi | 2000 released

lol it was so random and all over the place but it just some dumb fun comic

Zetsubou ni Nake

Complete | Shinou Ryo | 2000 released