The Flower Dances and the Wind Sings
58 wow I should reread this after that long ass hiatus 23-25 god. My heart 64: does she die again this timeline..? Like I want her to but I dont I really feel bad for the lady. I mean she was taken out of the things she loved in order to care for a child at a very young age. She was either 17 or 20 since there are conflicting dates. And then she has ppd and yea her husband doesn’t understand it but she can’t see her friends and family as much as she wants. I mean if course in her mind it’s the kids fault. And, even if she wanted to fix the relationship it would be hard after 18 years, especially since she still wasn’t happy with her life, as well as being sick :/. I just feel bad for her bc she suffered so and really wasn’t cared for properly. Like yea the husband checked in on her but like barely? It’s hard to care for someone like that ik but I don’t think he took the best route. He didn’t even care for the son that much either, just set him up for strict education. Idk it’s just messed up family vibes especially since it was such a young pregnancy and she had to deal with two deaths around that time as well. And her family wasn’t there for her, she was the only one in that castle, besides her husband there was no one from her side(especially with all the politics stuff- like the father in law only smiling when the pregnancy was announced…) Of course things are done differently then than now but all this dumb political relationships kinda suck. At least the parents both liked each other kinda before marriage. The son doesn’t seem to have a choice (tho he may end up with the lady in waiting, I get those vibes). Ig he really just isn’t socially confident and doesn’t know how to interact with his mother (like when he told his fiancé that he couldn’t dance and it caused a whole commotion)
Which Do You Prefer?
The art style is so damn familiar it’s bugging me Elegant sea of savagery
Hyanghyeon Text
I really like it It was cute that one scene where the foreigner and mr mokkya were helping mc when his gross brother let the bad words loose Ugh so many chapters of sex on this drug I kinda hate it
Thundercloud Rainstorm