The Tyrant Princess Wants to Get Married!
Cap 16.5 (final) Amei!! Uma história curtinha mas fofa! Muito melhor do que eu pensava que seria. Tyrant princess falls in love with the demon king... (I didn't like some of the tropes used here, they are my pet peeves, but it was so worth it in the end. Love it!). The end was the best, as expected of the princess... She doesn't disappoint.
The Newly-wed Life Of A Witch and A Dragon
Cap 109 (but technically 105 because the person that posted the chapters repeated 4 of them). FL: Wendy Blanchett ML: Aiden Winter Wendy is soooo hooot omgggg SHE'S SO GOOOD SHE'S SO COOOL. She's the embodiment of the flirty, cool-headed dom type. Aiden has many issues and their relationship was pretty toxic in early chapters, making the story far from perfect, it's true that he's changing however and he's so adorable at times. If you just want a dynamic where the girl is more dominant, I think it's worth it. The side characters are fun and story and world building are interesting. But if you want to read about a healthier relationship, I won't recommend it. I don't think what he did was unforgivable in fiction (considering it's not rape or other vile abuse) but I understand wanting to read a healthier dynamic, so maybe this one isn't for you. • Remember chapter 50 to proof that he's a sub lmaooo. Aiden gives major service sub vibes I swear!! And Wendy is such a natural dom lmao. She's so cool and unbothered. Edit (around chapter 82 or so): Wendy became such a pushover. Why is she putting these people above her relationship with her husband? I liked seeing more of Rossi and Nick together but I wished it was a side chapter or something instead of whatever this was. I don't like that Juliet and Simone are just coming and going as they wish. It's honestly overbearing. Appearing sometimes is ok but why are they butting into their newlywed life like that?? Honestly Wendy should stop blaming Aiden for being rightfully angry at their bullshit. Anyway let's go back to their newlywed life and discuss Aiden's issue with dragons?? Edit 3: ok this story got worse during season 2. But I did like Wendy doing her best to protect the town. I don't want her and Aiden to break up, though... I agree the relationship was toxic mostly bc the ML kept hiding things from her. Ugh Idk what to think. This story made my heart happy with its cuteness but now it's leaving me with a sour taste in my mouth. Why did the last chapter end in such a sour note??? Well I suppose she's going to change her mind after finding out about Aiden's father bullshit.
Marriage of Convenience
Cap 50 FL: Bianca ML: Zachary Arno Maid: Yvonne Maid's love interest: Caspar I was recommended this at reddit (for service subs...). Ah, this manhwa is truly historical. Bunch of patriarchal bullshit but MC wants to resist it in her own way (not so obvious, like in other stories, but she's doing it). The age gap is of 7 years and I really don't like it. Because she was a child when she married him... Though he wasn't interested in her, of course. But it still makes me uncomfy. He seems to be seeing her as a woman only now, that she's almost 19 and wants to have his child (bc he died in war in her past life and she didn't have a child to support her standing once the other lord took over). But he's still not ready yet and wants to wait, so for now they're slowly getting closer. Well I'm not feeling the femdom vibes yet but I suppose it's only the beginning... I'll keep reading it for now. Cap 27 pag 13: he applies make up to her Chapter 49: He gave her a bath
Lady Crystal is a Man
Cap 12 FL: Ilian (Duke, the crossdresser duke) ML: Crystal (The noble son who pretends to be a woman to avoid the fight for succession) OK THIS IS SO GOOD LMAO gender bender + hot cool fl + cute feminine-looking ml They're both so androgynous I love it
Present Wa Shinju
Cap 3 (if it ever gets updated again...) FL: Diana/Pearl ML: Edward Lobel/Teddy #Noona Romance (age gap of 7 years I think? It was never fully stated how young he actually is. She's 25 tho.) #Femdom #"Sadistic Female Lead" (Teasing Female Lead...) #Crybaby, weak, cute male lead #Old school manga I missed this kind of old school manga. The art is charming on its own way, and I love Diana's expression. Her "sadistic" faces are the best... The male lead is adorable, though I wish he'd fall for her soon (he's still scared of her). The servants can be too mean to him though. I have a feeling this will never get updated again however... Like I said, it's a "old school" manga and not many like the art style anymore (especially with manhwa/webtoons being the trend now). Edit: Good to point out that the FL is violent towards her servants (I think it's more in a slapstick violence kind of way) so some people might be uncomfortable with that. But honestly, there are more recent manhwa that have abuse towards servants and I think it's better to focus on those.
Trophy Husband
Cap 55 ML: Ricardo FL: Duke Artes Friend: Lornes Aines Prince: Erik Empress: Olivia YESSS FINALLYY it's out!!! As expected, this is exactly what type of dynamic I like. The novel is unstranslated but the manhwa is out Edit: It's over nooooooo!! No side stories? Really? As much as I enjoyed the plot, I wanted, no, YEARNED for my fluff and, um, the wedding night. How could it end like this????? I love it but I want more romance—
My Husband Is My Choice
Cap 24 Girl (duke's daughter) died three times and now it's her fourth life. Deep down she's trying desperately to live, but on the surface she's scheming and manipulating and girlbossing and gaslighting to achieve her goal. She also has to marry someone but her previous life partners were either 1) trash or 2) died. So this time she's choosing the 4th prince who's treated like trash in the palace, so she can rebel against the Emperor and not have to take the 2nd prince. She promises to grant him freedom in exchange. Kinda role reversal bc currently she's 1)older, 2)taller and 3) more powerful than him. Not sure if the dynamic remains femdomish after he grows older tho, because she threw the "I like tall muscular man" card at him (hate this trope sm omg). The knight seems to be the 2nd male lead and he's quite cute so far (I have a soft spot for knights lmao).
Prince Snow White is Taken by the Queen
Cap 9 I only gave it 2 stars because the art is pretty. While I liked the fairy tale retelling and the art, the story itself and the smut are just so-so. Man, it's shitty bc I love playful, teasing women but they are always treated like they want to submit or the guy turns the table on her at some point. It's what happened here. After some very uncomfortable blowjob scenes (for me, these scenes felt so violating and humilating I didn't read it all), she finally actually takes control (though I won't sugarcoat it, it was rape) but that only lasts for 2 more chapters then he takes her paralyzing drug and uses it against her and r*pes her. Gross. Gosh, if you're going to write a femdom setup, at least stick to it until the fucking end. I'm so done with switching!! Wasn't the entire point that she was supposed to "tame" him? Then why isn't that applied to the bedroom as well? Ugh, so annoying. I hate this.
Leveling My Husband to the Max
Cap 75 FL: Amber ML: Calix/Calyx Thalesdo O começo foi ruim (primeiros 3 capítulos) mas vou ler porque tô curiosa pra saber do que se trata o título e o interesse amoroso tá fofinho na segunda linha do tempo. Mas esse é mais um manhwa que exagera nas tropes, e faz com que o interesse amoroso seja quase irredimível na primeira linha do tempo e depois faz ele ser de boa na segunda. Difícil de chamar de preferido por causa disso. Eu juro que esses autores exageram... Eu já não gosto do enredo em que o marido é um cuzão na primeira linha de tempo, aí eles vão lá e exageram nas tropes?? O cara não comparece ao casamento, não parece na lua de mel também, vai pra guerra e não verifica o que tá acontecendo com a esposa (como isso se passa em um período patriarcal e machista, era extremamente vergonhoso para uma mulher o marido não comparecer ao casamento e lua de mel. A culpa sempre cai na mulher) então ela era mal-tratada pela mãe do cara e os empregados. Quando ele volta da guerra, ele tá traumatizado e trata ela com frieza (não justifica!). Eles finalmente transam e o cara não é gentil com ela (foi consensual, mas ela disse que doeu). Depois ela engravida aí ele vai lá e diz que não quer ter o bebê (pô, eu sei que você tá traumatizado com a guerra, mas ela também sofreu pra caralho! Pensa no que tu fala irmão!) depois só acontece mais merda. Enfim, complicado. ESCOLHE. UM. PROBLEMA! Não põe um monte de problema de uma só vez! Como essa mulher (sinto muita pena dela) vai perdoar o cara que fez ela sofrer tanto na vida passada? Nossa, se for pra criar esse tipo de história, não exagera nos problemas, né, rapaz? Ai ai. Eu vou ler essa bosta ignorando os claros problemas de lógica que essa história têm apenas pra entender o título e porque o boy atual é até bonitinho. E eu gosto de ver homem sofrer um pouquinho na ficção. Mas dificilmente um favorito! EDIT: Omgggg chapter 36 was so hooot! Omggg. "Please order this pet of yours around, my lady." Somewhere between chapter 70-75: "I've sliced countless enemies' necks for you, as you ordered. Please give me a reward, my lady."
Fostering the Male Lead