Ienai Itami o Daite Iru
Summary: Orphan boy is obsessively attached to girl and would do anything for her incl. prostitution. Girl is promiscuous and dies in an accident. Another boy that deeply loves the girl finds solace with having sex with boy to experience the memories of the girl. Both falls in love. Thoughts: - interesting story line - characters are likable - however, progression was not smooth. Story and characters were quickly flushed out like bam! Boy falls for the other one despite literally being depressed over the death of his loved one. Not much context on the wealthy side character. - felt more like a draft but gave it four stars because it has potential if manhwa was longer
Hitotsu Shikanai Mono
we really see character growth in this manga. Great flow and story telling. Felt slow and steady despite only having five chapters. Super sweet characters, realistic scenarios, 5/5 overall. Only yaoi I've read that discussed STDs
Serenade (keum Kyesoo)