Heesu in Class 2
Yay I finally read this,i really like it but I'm kinda not satisfied with the second couple ending cause there's not clarification that they're officially together but I think they are together because they're gonna fall in love each other again
Kedamono Arashi - Kiss Me Baby! -
This is so cute,Even the second story is cute too...the heck-
Ou-sama to Puppy Love
My scrolling for hours has been justified ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Like a Tidal Wave - from Pheromone Shower
I really liked the switching thing in this one The other one can be the seme or the top however they want
Cherry Blossoms After Winter
I started this around 9:00 Am then finished chapter 119 at 4:20 Pm of January 4 of 2021 2020-10-10 00:48 marked I marked this as a want to read It already ended I'm gonna miss this two so much ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ They have such a beautiful and non-toxic relationship and you won't get bored of it i would like to re-read this someday again march 1 2021 14:57 march 3 2021 A Season 5- January 2022 They finally got married
Inner Beauty