disapóint's manga / #want more!!!(65)

My X report

Complete | Golden Egg | 2000 released
2022-03-31 12:22 marked

i love tipee hes so cutee, oh shet new hot dude with abss, CH.31 WHOAH, ch.32 pg.12 haha angy boi, also whut happened to the censor :/, ch.33 pg.3 sad but wont fucking stop me, ch.33 pg.9 haha, AHAHAHAHA I WAS READING MY COMMENT AND I READ "WONT STOP FUCKING ME" INSTEAD OF WONT FUCKING STOP ME LMAOOOO, ch.33 pg.10 i didnt notice the editor note cause i was lookin at the pubes but oof yeah his ass, ch.34 pg.5 *texts seon* "my andriod isnt home tonight " also i should reread this cause i wanna record the mushrooms and cringy moments lol, ch.34 pg.10 abs, ch.35 pg.7 hha wtf, ch.35 pg.17 haha dont smile, ch.35 pg.18 "oh he certainly CAN", ch.35 pg.20 YEAH HAHA I CAME UP WITH THE NICKNAME "SEON" BY COMBING SEORIM AND HIS FEELING, wait i was looking thru my reading list and seeing this here makes me feel so nostalgic, whatever im back in business and so i will begin commentary on the rest of the chapters (my new mthod is being on mp), hi im rereading this. 2 HE DIDNT PRESS THE STOP BUTTON ON PURPOSE ISTG, 5 yk its been mentioning a bunch that he aint good w buttons so maybe professer "i dont like people" over here noted that, 9 AWWW TIPI DRAWING A BUNNY, 14 STPP "MY SOYBEANS!" MY FUCKING PAST KEYBOARD IS TRAUMATIZED BY THAT, 15 literally crying y did u fucking trip. ANYWAY AEW TIPEE WE LOVE U, tbh i forgot professers' name and only remember tipi and seorim. also ayy first encounter with ..shirtless guy..? sorry thats all i remember, 20 oh she looks like you, its Gong Woon lolz, ...where in ze fook did my lightsabers go?, 35 seorim... same, 40 WHAT WAS THE POINT OF BLACKMAIL IF HE WAS GONNA FIND OUT ANYWAY BRUH IN THE SAME CHAPTER TOO, 41 mind blank only bj alex at end, 51 what in the fook just happened, 55 lmaooo "did you see this? i recorded it and repeated it ever since" -insert arataki itto birthday beatbox-, 23 they make me wanna kms whatt, 28 tipi on his phone while sitting next to the dude lmaoo

Sono Kao Mitara, Gaman wa Dekinai

Complete | YAREYA Umako | 2018 released

omg that one tag 'man who takes care of his looks nad one that's naturally handsome' lmaoo its supposed to be 'and', im assuming, wtf the comment was visible to others like chill- anyway i was looking at the last page of my reading list and this popped up so yeah. it says its ongoing but it hasnt been updating since 2019, WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WTF I JUST FINISHED THE 3RD CHAPTER AND ITS LEFT ON A FUCKING CLIFFHANGER SHIT UGH IM LOOKING FOR THE OTHER CHAPTERS, damn it only has 3 on myreadingmanga too, AYYYYY THE PERSON IN THE COMMENTS WHO SENT THE RAWS THE REAL MVP CAUSE I FINJSHEF IT AMD ALTHO I HAVE NO IDEA WTF THDY WERE SAYING IT WENT LIKE THID: backstory and then guy wakes up and is super depressed at work and then he finally talks to ither mans in the library and he says he loves him and then they fuck and the end., but im guessing it ends at chapter 4 cause there are no more chapters, btw it was in 2018 so im just guessing thats the end

I Seriously Can't Believe You...

Complete | Jimi fumikawa | 2019 released

SHAHAHAH one of the tags 'some bros bonding over *naughty videos* lmfao', hahaha ch.4 pg.37, ch.5 pg.41 is soooo cute, ch.5 pg.58 not true sometimes, 4 dude the girls were so supportive for big man, OH SHIT HE DIDNT SAY NO HOMO THO

You're My Princess

Complete | Hiroto Kujirada | 2000 released

OMG OMG OMG OMG THIS IS THE ONE CONNOR VOICED YES YES YES YES YES YES actually imma put this is in already read so i can get it faster lol, ch.2 pg.32 FUCKING BITCH FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK

Ore no Buka ga Eroi Mousou wo Yamete kurenai

Ongoing | Haikin | 2019 released

YESSSSSSSS AMAZINGGGGG I LOVE ITTT like i saw it manganelo and i was like 'this prob on mangago' so YUH YUH YUH YUH YUH ..? it said this updated but i dont really know what happened, YESSSS IT UPDATEDD CH.2 PG.18 AWWWW SWEETHARTT, ch.2 pg.28 HAHA NOW HES MAD wait- ANGY BOI HAHA, CH.2 PG.32 OH SHIT, ch.2 pg.35 oOOooOoo STOP FLEXING, PDLAJLAJDLS IT UPDATED AGAIN, ch.3 pg.40 OMG I READ THAT AND THOUGHT IT WAS CALLING HIM A SHRIMP, ack sorry 1 his face after the dream- also wow 2 showing off are you? lol I bet his heart was beating really fast

Soko wa Sawaru Natte!

Ongoing | Mikoto Kurachi | 2000 released

Cuteeeeeeeeeee, 10/10 would and will read again, yea uh ive read this like 3 times again

I Don't Know Why, but I Suddenly Wanted to Have Sex with My Coworker Who Sits Next to Me

Ongoing | Miura kozumi | 2019 released

aaaaaah that was cute, ch.2 pg.3 what, ch.2 pg.35-36 damn thats cute too, like how are a lot of GL mangas so cute

King of Masturbation!

Ongoing | Torifumi | 2000 released

HAHA I DIDNT READ THE TITLE its sept 6 at the party rn and my head hurts so hopefully i can laugh more, ch.2 pg.19 yes this helped. i guess the excitement of being found reading this in front of children is giving me dopamine or wtv, ch.4 pg.18 HA yep definitely better than playing super smash bros and getting absolutely defeated then forcing laugh, ch.4 pg.23 HAHA WHY DID I THINK HE WAS GROWLING IT WAS HIS STOMACH OBVI, ch.5 pg.1 awww thanks to alex :), geez i saw this update and i was like "wtf is this" and i should really check the desc before checking these out again but its just a dude and his coworker and yeah, ch.2 pg.20 i literally just noticed that onomatopoeia said "schlirp", oh woops i immediately started typing "ch" lol ok but for some reason whenever i read smut some parts of my body (including but not limited to my arms and legs) feel like theyre squeezing like when the doctors check for your heart pressure or whatever, oop on chapter 4 page 13 its says "splirt" and "splish!", i have been noticing onomatopoeias way too often, ch.6 pg.26 damn, ch.7 pg.4 damn, ch.7 pg.30 imagine if he didnt leave yet and he just heard him moan and be like "tf?", ch.8 pg.7 THE WAY I FLUNG MYSELF-, ch.8 pg.12 BRO STOP SCREAMING HOLY SHIT, ch.8 pg.14 LMAOOOOO HES GETTING ALL BLUSHY, ch.8 pg.22 PFT- THIS IS LUDACRIS , ch.8 pg.28 is this supposed to be good orrr, uh chile anyway im on 13, 14 kuroe wtf i mean i never liked u but still

Tensei-saki de Suterareta Node, Mofumofu-tachi to Oryouri Shimasu ~ Okazari Ouhi wa My Pace ni Saikyou Desu ~

Ongoing | Sakurai yuu,Monitsunanoni | 2019 released

ch.1 pg.6 ew uglies, ch.2 pg.16 not me wanting to cry, omg i didnt understand when i looked back but i said that too when i was rereading this, oop i mean getting to see those fluffy big wolfs is great and all but edgarrrrre elalsjskapakananakan how cute. (why am i going cold now lmaoooo), please can the butler just fucking realize that white wolf is the prince/ kjndg idk forgot which one he was, 6 AWEEEEE THE CAT IS SO CUTEEE, 9 BLIND GIRL ISEKAI IM DEAD