disapóint's manga / #my favorite(2)

Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess

Ongoing | gwon gyeoeul,suol | 2019 released
2020-10-24 04:48 marked

oop i tried to find it on wattpad (where i read it) but it was deleted oof but i got far enough so its fine but its a total bummer it got spoiled, ch.35 pg.2 why the fuck was this harder to read than the novel, ch.37 pg.5 the FEELS i got from that line but seriously i was agreeing tho, ch.38 pg.4 mm, wait shitttt 399 ooooop this is when we see emily the real mvp, ch.39 pg.13 damn the food looks to fuckin pretty but she cant fuckin eat it cause she got those toy untensils, FUCK i just noticed its utensils as i left not that fuckery but im leaving it there so i can learn from my mistakes, ch.40 pg.8 ngl it was kinda funny when i learned about the crossbow and its still funny now, ch.40 pg.9 bruh dont fuckin grit ur teeth pinki but i know that you will def get a stern talkin to in the attic, ch.40 pg.17 haha when she just dumps the rest of them, ch.41 pg.5 fuck actually got me in the fucking feels because of that fuck, ch.41 pg.14 ouch fuck i remember reading this and getting so fucking sad, ch.41 pg.19 ah dont forget hes the fucker who blamed her for stealing jewelry (kinda, he didnt stand up for her when pinki framed her), ch.41 pg.21 ah fuck i just know that this is where the real flashback starts. she gets bullied for weeks and one day the fam finally notices and beats the bullies up. she has to say "thank you" to people who couldve stopped or if she didnt have to be involved with them she wouldnt be in that position of getting bullied. but she is forced to say thanks to the people who caused the problems and fixed it for the sake of 'trying to reconnect' when they had never even attempted to 'connect' with her at all. i still dont know why or how she ends up with the character who tries to kill her (from the ball) but im sure she will get the happy ending she deserves., ch.42 pg.15 hot damn the attic looks great like when i read it my head just conjured up some plain attich but i totally forgot how large these mansions were, ch.42 pg.19 fuckkkkk its so so fucking PRETTY, ch 42 pg.20 shut the fuck up, ch.42 pg.26 fuck off you're the bastard here and you will until i see that you start behaving like you aren't, ch.43 pg.11 sigh i did not remember this nor will i claim that i didnt read this but i guess ill just tell myself that there aint no right nor wrong but only consequences, ch.43 pg.13 ha. he thought she was selfish of wanting yvonne to never come back; and it was but why blame her? she was living like she had no existence in the world. when she was brought up into nobility that was her joy and hope. if she had to go back to what it was in the past she'd rather die., ch.43 pg.23 thats fucking good ugh i love her, ch.43 pg.25 honeslty dont give a shit but dont want her to die, ch.44 pg.2 wouldve given me chills if i wasnt watching matpat playing fnaf vr amd being creeped out from parts a service neon mode and the cockraoches on chica like damn thats only the fucking beginning unless you aint playin fnaf 1 2 3 & the dark rooms bro, ch.44 pg.3 makes my heart drop every time and makes me want to cry and i was blocking out matpat the whole time and now it glitched out so fuck all and now i dont know how to feel but i wonder if the artist was crying as well when she drew this or if the author was because it sure as hell makes me want to cry if not for the fact that ive already cried over having been told that i should drop out if im not going to work and i seriouslt considered it because i really need to take a fucking break without worrying about the week before or after but also another part of me saying that i just need to work harder and imma stop before i get another breakdown, ok im watching callmekevin so i think im fine (probably not a good thing to go to callmekevin whenever im sad i mean this could become an addiction but i think thats the point), AAAAAAAAAAAAAA IT FUCKING UPDATED HELL YED HOLY SHYITJTISIANAN, FUCKIN OUTED HIM DUDE BUT ITS TIME FOR MY MANSS, 46 UGH YES THANK YOU BOO UGHH THATS SO GOOD, 48 damnnn deep shit. (this whole novel/ manwha is deep), 33 cute kids heh I especially like the cat masked one hehehe (pls that's kinda creepy i-), 11 and that was when I decided to make a reynold hate page /j, 14 honestly I've been pretty upset over the spoiler but at least I won't get my hopes up and ig hes kinda hot, 16 BUT YALL KNOW I FREAKING LOVE A MAN COMFORTING A GAL AFTER A MISUNDERSTANDING UGH he's hot too fuckk, 17 damnnnnnn this do be making me happy thoo, 19 oh yeah the first gift he gave her. also the dog hole, 20 when I deleted the hate reynold hate page, 22 back when Eclis' name was Ikles, also it annoys me a bit that I wrote so much from the pages but whatever ig, 29 ayo get yer rain check, 36 got caught tryna go thru the doggy hole lol, 38 cool bracelet, 40 lol crossbow and payback for the stupid utensils, 42 I did get t pretty mad thoo fuck dude I don't even wanna talk about it, 46 oh my how did his hands get there I wonder, 49 whoop whoop. whoop whoop, 50 crossbow (+ father's favor) , 51 heh. heh. and let's go emily :) oh right the letter-, 53 I feel misunderstanding vibes from him but whatever u go girlie, 54 pft she just left- but like same tho, 56 pfffftt haha father showing off the gift, 58 ah ripp, 59 VINTEERR EYYY oh right also blondie is lowkey being assassinated, came for the update; stayed to reread chapters 41 and 42, 60 FUCK YEAH SHE DONT NEED A MAN but also WHY does she end up with the fucking crown prince istg im never gonna forget that ever and i can never reread this and wonder "oh whos she gonna end up with?" BC ITS GONNA BE THE DAMN PRINCE UGH, 61 LMAOO REYNOLD DONT RUIN THIS MOMENT, 62 im gonna choke up; wahh, 63 LMAO WJAT VINTWR DIDNT EVEN KNOW IT WAS HER BAHAHAH, i hope someday i could read 43 and 44 without crying. without my voice cracking. I'll get there. and soon i bet, 71 THIS GUY~~~~ AINT NO WAY HES GONNA PLAY IT OFF.... ugh he'll probably say something like "i was threatening to kill you not about to" or "you were trespassing private property ehat did you think would happen", 73 ...what a memory., 74 hey now dont go giving daddio ideas now buddy, 78 THEY THINK SHE MURDERED HIM HOLY SHUT, 79 her heart is hurting little duke. what can you do to help?, 80 literally kys this is why ur being called young master and not brother like reynold like bro im boutta start hating you fr if you dont get over yourself. im not asking you to love her. all i ask is you dont hate her. and get over it bruh fuck offf, literally. how fucking dare you speak to her like that. "wdym like that" like a parent berating their child for not doing their assignments without attempting to help them. like someone who is ignorant to someone's suffering and is a shithead until the very end, 81 OOOHHHHH LETS GO DADDY-OOOO, 83 YAYYY VINTER ILYYY, reynold is so fine in chapter 20, 0 reynold what the fuck you just called her the r slur, 82 making me giggle fr, 83 MEOWM DO EM EOWMEOWMEOW VINTERR, 87 CEDRIC POTTER???? AND THE REFERENCE TO HARRY LMAOO, 90 SHE SLAYEDDDD O PNELOPE YEAHHAHAHAHAAHHH, 53 ...i miss eclis, goddamnbro fucking chapter 101 ????? i remember when this was just barely starting to update jesus christ, 116 WHAT THE FUCK IS THE PRINCE DOING HERE???!?!?!?, 121 i know you. i met you once upon a dream, 97 guys i lowkey dont remember this, 83 third times the charm and damn he is chaing. i <3 vintee, mmmm the spefial after 124.. im soaking in the reynold praise, 130 yall... crown prince bas- i mena his hand reaching out to prevent her from touching the game panel WHICH HE CANT EVEN SEE is making me feel things, 138 i see what's going on here. that damn game system, 143 goddammit, 147 yikes... yall if this story makes it to 200 w/o finishing i might just do smth, 152 im crying

The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass

Ongoing | 산소비 | 2019 released

HAHAHA CH 14 THE GIF AND WHEN SHE SMACKED THE FLOWERS INTO HER GAURDS FACE, LOL 37.5 FROSTBITE, mannn i live 44 so much cause i love mielle getting pissed off and getting totalled, hahah 45 when they (prince n rain) said they wanted to meet the investor like you been meeting em and also dang theyre so cute fuck i want their relationship to grow so badly damn, 46 they do be having matching clothes tho, wait wait wait wait wait. i went to 45 to find out the prince's name and its asher?? AHSER?? i dont even know how aria hasnt figured out he's the fucking prince like maybe she could just ask him then use her hourglass idk, ch 41 hehe i like this chap, WAIT HOLY SHIT I WENT BACK TO CH 46 AND WAS REREADIN IT AND SHE ACTUALLY HAD THE THOUGHT THAT ASHER WAS THE EMPORER'S CHILD, dammit her thoughts got intterupted, OOOP LOL HE STRAIGHT UP TOLD HER HE WAS THE CROWN PRINCE AND HAS POWERS, ch 48 uhh a strange noise came from me when I read that last page send jelp, also going back to when I was pressed about the whole "asher" thing his name is asterope (it says in 47) and oof, I honestly forgot what happened in 48 and Sarah catching onto mielle is exciting and Aster peeking at Aria was cute af ugh I really wanna read it but I don't wanna be dissapointed, YESSSS CH 5O UPDATEDD, AWWWW ASTER AND ARIA ARE SO CUTE also fuck mielle and that other weirdo BUT LOL WHEN BERRY WAS LIKE "w-w-whats wr-wrong miss?" while SHAKING and Aria's like 'yo wtf is up', im not even gon lie im pretty tempted to read 50 so lemme go reread this for the 30th time, dammit I went to 21 because its the sum of 9 and 10 but now I need to find when rain and aster find out its Aria they need not fucking mielle, GIRL I PUT THIS IN WORDCOUNTER AND HOW IS THAT DUMBASS ON HERE MORE THAN ARIA GODDAMIT WTF, ch 31 oh lucky me I found where aster and rain finally got their heads in the game, OH LETSS GOOO 51 UPDATED, 50 awww even though the whole thing is Aria getting poisoned i just can't help but notice the thoughts she has and plus Sarah at the end was superrrrrr cool like sweet imma stop, 49 dudeee I was rereading and I literally forgot how Aster absolutely DESTROYEDD HERRR LOL now I know why he hates astrioctosy or whatever like he honestly never needed a reason in the first place but yeah, 51 EWWWWW NOT CAIN WTF EEEEEWWWWWWWWW BUT YES ARIA WE LOVE YOU YES GO OFF HAHA fuck isis, 52 JSKSJWPSHAKAK heyyy asherrr hehehe BDKAK ARIAAAA AGHHH YOUR SO CUTE TOO DKJAPAJAM I LOVE THEM AND ALL OF THIS REALLY I DO, 6 MISSS GURLLLLLL THE WAY HE JUST FUCKING SHOVED HER GUARD UGH FIRST MEETING CHECKKKK, 18 uh- sir???? out here playing pizz on his bass while everyone else fuckin playing with a bow tf, 20 welcome Anne heheheh but fr 22 I cannot physically read her talking to Oscar because we both know she deserves someone who is on the same level as her and he wayyyy too damn low, 24 RAIN TAKE A FUCKONG HINTTTT UGH ASHER HAS IT BEEN SO LONG THAT YOUVE FORGOTTEN HOW IT LOOKS? IF MIELLE DOESNT SUIT HER CAUSE IT MEANS HONEY MAYBE YOU SHOULD LOOK INTO THE NAME ARIA WHICH MEANS LIONESS AND COMPLETES YOUR HORRIBLE FUCKING PROFILEEE GODDAMN IT BUT whatever okay like ngl that was a pretty long chapter, 26 IT LITERALLY PISSESS ME OFF SO BADLY THAT ASHER CANT SAY "OH YEAH SHE HAS CURLY HAIR AND HAS *ARIAS EYE COLOR* COLORED EYES" AND THEN RAIN CAN JUST BE LIKE "OH YOU MEAN THE SMART ONE?" GODAMN IT FUCK THIS IS PROBABLY WHY I LIKED WHEN THEY FINALLY PUT TWO AND FUCKING TWO TOGETHER UGGHH, wait no mielle's birthday party probably wasn't the worst part like its almost fuckin coming ughh I skipped thru all of 28 btw, 30 hahhhh I dont even need to read 30 because I'm satisfied enough with him realizing he made a mistake, 36 its not cheating if no one knows, oop I mean cheating in a casino not relationship, 53 THE WAY THEY ALL TURNED TO EMMA BEFORE VERI EVEN SAID IT WAS HERRRR, 54 oop veri's dead- uh anyway ugh fucking stepbro but EYYYYY SUP ASTERRR I GOTTA SEE THIS, cain fucking coughs after every other sentence like an old man or something idk like a prick, ah.. 57 I thought he would something but.. anything would've been fine., goddamn I'm over dramatic 58 he invited her over :), WTF THERES A NEW COVER AND LIKE WHO IS THAT WHAT HUH NO WHAT ASTEROPE IS THE ONLY ONE PLS WE DONT NEED ANOTHER LIKE CMON MAN RLLY? ARE U SERIOIS RN but like I meanthere haven't rlly been any other male leads other than aster (baron and DEFINITELY NOT THE GROSS STEP-BROTHER don't count) so like I'm kinda curious as to who he'll be and also Rain was def not a ml, 58 GET IT ARIA WOOOO LETS GOOOO, 59 AAAAAAA THIS STORY MAKES ME SO HAPPY OMFGGGG ITS BEEN 2 YEARS SINCE THEY METTT UGHHH I LOVE THE SO MUCHHHH AND ASTER IS STILL VISITING ARIA UGHHH THEYRE SO CUTEEE, 60 what business does fucking bitch sister have in their business. none. she's just mean >:p, 61 awe the judge is kinda sad, 62 BRO MIELLE JUST PUSHED HER DAD DOWN THE STAIRS OMFG, 65 ayo aster you better not piss her off and get yo hands off her hourglass, nahhhhhh i gotta read 71 cmonnn, 71 AWE THE TRANSLATORS NOTES ABT THE MOM; IM GLAD THEY TALKED, OH RIGHT I JUST REALIZED THE DUDE FROM 73 N 74 IS THE NEW GUY ON THE COVER BROOOO I KNEE IT CHANGED BUT I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE HE WAS ON THERE LMAOOOO AINT NO WAY HES GONNA BE A ML... RIGHT?? NO IM RIGHT BC I ALWAYS AM AND EVEN IF THE AUTHOR TRIES TO MAKE HIM A ML I WILL REJECT HIM. LMAO OKAY IDK WHY I DIDNT REALIZE UNTIL NOW BUT WHATEVER, 75 YOOOOOOOO I MEAN I KNEW SHE AND A BLONDIE MADE ARIA BUT SHEEEEEEEEEESH AINT CHLOE THE BROTHER OF THE JUDGE OR LIKE NO. IS HE DEAD OR JUST A RUNAWAY? I DONT REMEBER, FRFR I THINK. also i literally just remembered who vika is when they met- he was the that one meeting aria went to with aster jeowkwnwn AINT HE THE KING OF CROATIA'S SERVANT WHATTTTTT, 78 bro... those fucking pissy astriocrats istg. AND THEYRE OLD ASF TOO LIKE STFU. anyway the students were such eye candy bro, 78 WHAT????? IF SARA IS FUCKING 17 HOW OLD ARE ARIA AND ASTER???????, 79 when will i get a relationship like them... NEVER LMAO BUT LIKE- still., 80 mannn oscars life fuckin sucksss- like yeah hes fuckin rich n shit but his sister is a pain in the ass and a bitch and theres really nothing he can do but watch the events in front of him unfold. i hope he gets a happy ending; falling in love; living happily with his partner.. if not then I'll be devastated., LMAO I LITERALLY FORGOT SHE MET THIS GUY BEFORE- WAIT WHAT IF SHE MEETS HER DAD OMG, 81 YEAH FR SHE DIDNT EVEN KNOW WHO ASTER WAS SO HOW COULD SHR KNOW THIS GUY, 82 THEYRE ALL DYING. CHILLS, 87 this is strangely peaceful. maybe cuz i woke up and still am in bed but i feel calm, 88 NVM OBVIOUSLY THATS MOST DEFINITELY PRODOMINANTLY NO DOUBT ABOUT IT ASTER. ALSO AWWWWWWWWW ARIA YOU WERE ADORABLE AS A CHILD, 93 YAYAYAYAY SARA WOOHOO WEDDING LETS GOOOOOO YAAAAASSSS ALSO ANNE LOOKS BEAUTIFUL WOOHOO, 63 whos that guy at the end with the sweater... also they sneaky lol, 67 yeah uh thats literally the other prince LMAO, 75 vika is literally so right oml we stan aria in this household, 80 aria ur dad is freaking hot, 97 wow i did not like him but that made me sick to my stomach, 98 you cant just show me that and expect me to not cry like are you joking me, 61 GYATTTT, 98 im actually ceying IDC I COULD CHANGE HER I DOMT WVEN CAREEEE GIVE HER MORE TIME LET HER COOK PLEASE ANHTHING KM BEGGING YOU DONT LET THIS HAPPEN DONT DO THIS TO ME, 121 DAYUM TIA FOR THE WIN, 125 WHAT IF I DIEDDDDDD BYEEEE WHAT IF I DIED, 16 knowing ehat i know i wanna vomit /pos, 104 IS HE STUPID AAAAAAAAAAAAA THEIR CHILDREN ARE SO FUCKING CUTE