Smartphone Generation
Isekai Omotenashi Gohan
1.2 THE EGGSS- I LOVE THIS SO MUCH PLS WHY HAVING I SEEN THIS BEFORE UGH ITS SO LOVELY, 3.2 drinkinnnn 4 oop jades pov, 3.2 lowkey sobbing also i hate myself and my past commentary holy shit it sucked ass, 4.2 jade is literally so fuckin pretty bro oml, 9 sobs where did the doggy come from its so cute, 13.2 king lowkey fine goddamn, 18.3 sobs fr, 9.2 cuteee, 11.2 and if i cried??
My Favorite Model Has Become My older brother
SHEEESHUS HER STEP BRITHER IS AN IDOL SHES A FAN OF, wow really i wouldve never guessed, 37 oh!!, 40 literally crying, 43 i love seeing this blondie sad, 14 its so funny how he started with a rivarly with her to switch to noa 47 well im on akato's side but holy shit noa just died, 53 WE WON AKATO NATION HOLY SHIT (FOR JUST A MOMENT), 58 THATLL DO IT OH YM GOD I FREAKED OUT FIR A MINUTE HOLY SHIT GOOD JOB AKATO!!!!! YAYAYAYAY
Gift - Boku no Hero Academia dj
i had a sigh of relief when they named them, thank god.
Collar Kiss
7 oh cool. a cliffhanger., well fuck it maybe we get to see more of the switch. i mean ion really like him but im really intrigued bc i dont know if any other dom/sub universes have switched. I'll go check it out, ig.. not? unless there are still some extra pages but idk, 6 like i get it. you have trauma of being a sub. but that doesnt mean you get to abuse the one youve taken as your own sub. you dont get to forcefully dominate instead of you both consenting to the domination.
Hare no Hi (ASADA Nemui)