Muka Tsuku Douryou to Sefure ni Narimashita
oh i saw this on popular manga and its pretty swell, wait i was on chapter 3 and i was gonna mention how i wasnt doing much commentary cause i was reading on multiple pages but like literally that was so cute bro, bruh i went outta multiple pages for this i- ch.4 pg.13 thats embarrassinggg, ch.5 pg.8 pft- assassination i really like these plugs of the authors other works, WARNING SEGGS SCENE ch.6.5 pg.10 BAHAHAHAJ THEY WERE BANNED CAUSE THEY KEPT DOIN SEGGS IN THE STORE, ch.6.5 pg.12-13 man i love it when multiple stories are put together hehehe, oh yeah i forgot to mention the business man from the beginning kinda eeny weeny itsy bitsy remind me of byakuya and makoto
Dear Signal
Signal, anyway i was lookin thru the childhood friends tag and saw that this was on my want to read list so lets go (commentary after or during chapters although i am on mp i will decide if i want to go out; um wtf imma go read it now), oop i finished ch 1 and damn i really like the art style and also oop poor haname has got lovesickness now ur contagious dood, wait no actually im tearing up haname always hid it PLEASE I- shkwjsi nooo i know he- but he- PLEASE SOMEONE STOP MY SADNESS, NOOOO I THOUGHT 2.5 WOULD BE HAPPY BUT ITS STILL SAD, WAIT NOW IM CONFLICTED DO I WANT HIM TO CALL OUT HANAME OR NOT FUCK, oop i finished ch 3 and.. lets just say they are compromised now (also while i was scrollin to edit my comment i saw the summary and saw " "love" what a nuisance" and i just thought thatd be something someone like saiki would say or like that one troupe of a student that works hard to get good grades or whateva), oop getting his hearts back was cute :3, oop near the start of ch 5 (the second page im pretty sure) the before and after redraws, oop another story on ch 5, hehe the crossover on 5.5, okay! finished the twitter extras and the tagging! overall a great bl and imma look for more like this (not like the love allergy just the plot haha)
Liquor & Cigarette
oop ok lemme pretend im actually reviewing it so uhh "two best friends and one likes other and makes moves but one still is confused" ok, wait i was gon say how it was funny that "i choose you!" but him asking if he really loves him is actually so cute, yeah this was good and i might check out the authors other works if i remember
Boku no Kareshi no Sukinahito
idk it doesnt rlly make sense to me, even after looking back at it and reading, like 'how does the teacher catch them fucking' and 'why doesnt the teacher mind his own fuckin business', WAIT WAIT WAIF WAIT WAIT THATS SO MEAN IM FUCKING REREADING THIS AND THATS HIS BROTHER THATS WHY AND THEY MIGHT HINTING ON THE LIL BRO JUST WANTING BIG BRO'S (teach) ATTENTION MMMMM, ch 2 CHILL ITSUKI DAMMNN THATS NOT A DREAM THATS A NIGHTMARE BUT SHIII LIL BRO ACTIN MORE AND MORE LIKE HE HAS A BROTHER COMPLEX FRRR, HOLY SHITTTT CH 3 THAT DATE LIKE DAMN ITSUKI GO OFFF BUT HOLY SHIT THAT LOOK ON ITSUKI'S FACE WHEN HE SAW THAT HE COULDN'T HAVE MATTERED MORE WHEN IT CAME TO HIS (mans) BROTHER FROM HIS LOOK OF NERVOUSNESS WHEN HE SAW HIS BROTHER WITH A GIRL, ch 4 SHITTT FRR YALL NEED TO CHILLLL LIKE THAT WHOLE MONTAGE OF OLDER BRO GETTING A GIRLFRIEND AND THAT FUCKING SMIRK THE MORNING AFTER HE HEARD THE PHONE CALL OF THEM BREAKING UP AND THEN CUTTING TO ITSUKI KNOWING HE WAS IN LOVE WITH HIS BROTHER LIKE HOLY SHIT THIS IS A CINEMATIC MASTERPIECE FR I MEAN NOT THAT MUCH AND MAYBE ITS JUST CAUSE ITS 3 AM BUT WAITS GOING TO FUCKING HAPPEN NEXT, HOLY SHITTT RJSJSJSKI HOW DO I MAKE THIS TEXT BIGGER BECAUSE- okay i rated this from a one star to an absolute 5 because i love how this is scened and chapter 5 just takes the fucking cake like it's the whole backstory of itsuki and airi forming their relationship and it starting with some small talk to their first encounter and showing their relationship grow with the love for his brother (yurui; i found out thanks to itsuki) still in mind AND AT THE END WHEN HE CUT HIS HAIR AND I DUNNO WHAT KINDA FACE AIRI MADE AT THE END BUT I HOPE HES NOT LIKE MADE OR ANYTHING CAUSE HE REALLY NEEDS TO DEAL WITH HIS OWN ISSUES RN LIKE should he really care about his ex's length of hair when he fucking loves his brother like hello you have some other problems and THE LAST CHAPTER IS NEXT SO PLEASE BE GOOD, UGH I HAD TO LEAVE BUT lemme tell you itsuki beating someome up is fucking great; a plus if it was airi and when it showed airi telling him he really liked his hair then cut to him FUCKING CUTTING IT LIKE WHO IS THIS STORY EVEN ABOUT ANYMORE, WHOAH WHOAH SO IN THE END IT WAS ITSUKI LIKE- mann ive been able to predict a lot of these 5-6 ch mangas but here.. i definitely was not. i mean no person should be with someone who's like their MOM. well maybe but thats not the point. I MEAN I THOUGHT THEY WERE FR GONNA STAY FRIENDS BUT FRRR I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT LIKE 10 OUTTA FUCKING 10 ON THAT ONE
Suki ni Sasete Miseru Kara!
Kore ga Koi na Wake ga Nai
that... sucks. also this is a sequel so imma look for the first one, drop dead.. just ten minutes. object... UM I DONT EVEN KNOW WHATS HAPPENING BUT UGH MY STOMACH HURYS, whatever imma leave it at ch 2, rip lol. haha. shit. lemme read the first one cuz it seems like mc here is a side character/ abandoned love interest, 1 OH LMAO hey I just came from 1st book ch 2 and damn thats tuff bro, oh I checked the tags I put and it seems I came from the M tag ok anyway 2 damn sucks, 3 sigh, 4 i know every story can't be happy go lucky but just- i just wanna know if they'll be fine, 6 ..hmph OK whatever, 6.5 PLSSS HE THOUGHT HE CHEATED BUT HE WANTED TO MARRY HIM
Hare no Hi (ASADA Nemui)
Yes I am crying and this was so worth it, lmao imagine crying over this [facewithrollingeyes].. but it really is very sweet
Karasugaoka Don't be shy!!
1 AWWWWWWW, 2 crossdressing! also I just popped into 3 and HOLY SHIT WHOS THAT HOTTIE WITH THE SHOTTY, 3 NVM CAUSE DAMMNN THIS IS THE REASON IM GETTING DIABETES ISTG, 4 uhh selective hearing yknow? also before I talk bout the ending WHO DOES THIS BITCH THINK SHE IS TO ACTUALLY PLAY TWO GUYS AT THE SAME TIME LIKE NO NO NO NO FUCKKKKKKK sorry I could see people doing that (from sandwich love where two childhood friends fall in love with one girl so they both be her boyfriends but they're rivals but friends at heart) ANYWAY MANS HAS A STALKER, 5 wow "he was nice to me so now we are together" that doesnt work if he's always nice yknow, 6 BYE THEYRE SO FUNNY AND CUTE UGHHHH, 2 THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE TRANS GIRL IM TEARING UP
Kocchi Muite, Ai