disapóint's manga / #Unrequited love(59)

Love Is An Illusion

Complete | Fargo | 2000 released

tiny alpha and ass man raise baby with beta and master, uh- lemme reread this cause yeah, 1 oop colored pages at the start and just normal omega actin as alpha shit from tiny guy (imma try to figure out his name i promise), uh i just wanna say MISS GURL for 2 and thats it ig, 3 ahh he really does have a habit of running.. and is very tiny. oh yeah also the first pages are also colored so thats cool. also ass man is very respectful and cool considering how many omegas are treated I mean he did do it on his thighs but he immediately went to play piano after that like what a performer, 4 lol he is a performer but anyway did that guy have like front row seats cause like they spotted each other fast, 5 oop why is dojin's family so depressing.. how did I forget his name heesoo (?? I think- whatever beta) just said everything like i remember hes a virgo 20 and dropped out of his last year of high-school but not his name.. lemme go se, it's kim hyesung... I thought he was short but hes 164 cm so dojin is just fuckin tall cause gadam but hes the youngest??? ALSO I fucking forgot to mention the foreshadowing in 3 where he does his friend's homework cause he fuckin smarttt, 6 dkwopajdlzk (wait what happened i left to play genshin), pftt oh its cause hyesung was wearing panda pj's and held a teddy to sleep. also hes getting scammed like for someone so good at math hes very dense, 7 oof but it mustve been scary for him to be put in that position considering he was so confident but was recently told he was an omega, oh right also oof Heesu, 8 (park is his last name probably) Dojin has a sensitive nose huh and why doesnt Hyesung wanna go back to his parents house.. hmm it'll probabbbllyyy tell me, 9 hehehe Heesuu shaklajso thats great (from the beginning lol), WHERE IS HYESUNG GETTING SUCH CUTE PJS also I searched it up and 164 cm is 5 3' nvm lolol im taller than him, 10 hyesung u do not wanna get preggo-, 11 heesu and hye fr fighting lol, 12 i- at the end; so does dojin always hang at parks (lol thats his fucking last name) cause like bro-, 13 I feel like hyesung would've gotten mad when he heard when he was being used for inspiration but ig not huh.. okay maybe hes a bit too dense;;;;, look at all this text and im only on 14.. ugh, OH RIGHT dude dojin rlly just brought a guy home; fucked em; then left to fuck hyesung i-, 15 begging him please don't goo lol, 17 oh right he faked being dumb as to not live up to his fathers expectations, 18 ngl thats kinda scary, 19 SHUT. UP. DUDE EHALGWISHWQHJQYZPAN, 20 temper tantrum... I FORGOT HE GOT PREGNAT SO EARLY IN THE STORY WHAT, I also forgot to mention how he was being treated as an absolute child, WAIT I FORGOT TO MENTION ON 15 HOW HEESOO AND MASTER'S THINGY, 23 HEESOO YOU SCAMMED YOURSELF I-, 25 kdjslklapqiw dude him being in the closet and waiting at the door iNlsajlajaiwhao, 26 oof backstory.. he'd probably threaten people who teased him for having a toy bear, 27 mans just realized there's no getting out of this rabbit hole, 29 ahh.., 32 end of season 2.. disapeer is kim hyesung's middle name, 32.5 hehe short stories ahoahlsj, 33 yeah uh oof sad but Byul is pretty cute man, 36 uhh never speak of this to no one, 37 the last scene of cutting Hyesung was so nice.. anyway hello there Dojin, 37.5 pft-, sorry i got chills from knowing I've read this before.. ugh my stomach/ liver/ skin/ heart anyway 38 ouchies that stare really hurt me tho, 40 hhh dude i-, 41 ahh I honestly dont have anything to say cause its morning but thats sweet.. time to meet the family :), 42 hehe heesoo's a crybaby~~ but fr NOW its time to meet the fam.. in the next chapter, 43 skskks dude season 2 fin. yoo, 43.5 ohhh season 3 is side stories, 45 the fact that I skipped all of that and dojin fucking killed hyesung from fucking him, 46 awww hyesung saw the baby book and dojin is super worried haha ugh I mean I gotta say my fav webtoon couple is aria x asher but GADAM DOJIN IS SUCH A GOOD HUBBY a bit overprotective but he has his reasons. well anyway Hyesung went to visit the fam, 47 aww hyesung means comet and byul means star awwwwwww, 49 drop everything cause HEESOOOOOOOO, 50 im sorry but HEESOO IS SO PRETTY UGH, 51 ksslsjlajsk do you SEE THOSE COLORED PAGES CAUSE DAMNNN, 52 awwwwww heesoooownlacqahqoyw, WAIT WAIT WAIT. Hee-swoon KKSJSHAJAJ HAHQHAJAHOW, 53 LMAO PLS I REMEMBER FREAKING OVER THIS LIKE "OMG HE LOVES DICK HAHAHA" I think.. ANYWAY does heesoo tell dr park (idk but I don't wanna call him master) bout "The Heat Cycle" that happened in his humble abode?, 54 oh forgot to mention this is colored, 57 you better keep up on that promise HEESOO, 59 okay weddings are always gonna be good, 60 me not knowing the gender to Dojun's (master) ex-wife is a fucking mood but anyway HEESOO YOUR SO GOOD AT EVERYTHINF ISTGE, 65 LET GOOOOOO HEESOO YUH, but honestly WHY DOES DOJUN HAVE SO MUCH BEEF ON HIM GODAMN, 67 pfttt let dojin have his fun okay? also thank you for the whole colored chapter yeee, 71 yall- hspaschandikap they are both wondering why the other isn't contacting them kqlap they have such an awkward relationship they need some time together, 72 ahh the power of the bond

You're My Princess

Complete | Hiroto Kujirada | 2000 released

OMG OMG OMG OMG THIS IS THE ONE CONNOR VOICED YES YES YES YES YES YES actually imma put this is in already read so i can get it faster lol, ch.2 pg.32 FUCKING BITCH FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK

Jikyuu Jisoku de Nani ga Warui

Complete | Makoto itsuki | 2019 released

BRUH THIS IS ANOTHER ONE I WAS LOOKING FOR YEAHH, lmaoooo ch. 3 pg. 7 love thattt, 4 do people really go bald from having 2 much sex? lemme search it up, lmao no it's just a myth, did i fr search that up? probably. anhway 7 THE END WITH THE PINK PHOTOS IRKEHSLA , idk why but they wanna make me cry so bad i always come back to them like their friendship was so close that they let each other hit isnt that crazy

Aniki no Ichiban Oishii Tokoro

Complete | MIZUHARA Zakuro | 2019 released

twincest, ch.2 pg.33 poor cat, ch.3 pg.3 dude what the heck man >:(, ch.3 pg.23 haha cute cats, CH.4 PG.14 LMAOOOOOO, ch.4 pg.20 ughhhhhhh hes so sussssssss like bruhhhhhh, wait what you cant end it on a cliffhangerr ughh, honestly rereading cause it updated and this is actual twincest

Batman dj - Les Enfants de Minuit

Complete | Izumi,griotte | 2000 released

ch.1 pg.39 ahshjdjshsjsjsjsh robin no-, oop nvm, ch.1 pg.44 pretyy

Urusai Kurai no Kokuhaku Kudasai

Complete | Sachimo | 2018 released


Enjo Mate

Complete | ONO Anbi | 2017 released

please its only the first three pages and im already worried, ch.1 pg.14 :D, ch.1 pg.35 why the fuck did the onomatopoeias reminds me of the date episode in ohshc fuck and the next page put me in distress, ch.1 pg.37 aw nevermind happiness, ch.2 pg.17 awww cmonn its go big or go home right??~~ , ch.3 pg.4 HAHAHAHAHAHAH WHAT KINDA SENSE OF HUMOR IS THAT, ch.3 pg.24 ew go away they are still tryna figure it out and its not going very well, ch.4 pg.21 and this is why they call you a masochist but also thats unhealthy, ch.4 pg.30 please let this chapter pass quickly, i fucking hate the next pages., ch.5 pg.8 aw hes still cute during this time of crisis but hes tryna figure it out too, ok nvm page after nine the teach looks very uncomfy lmao (but honestly same), ch.5 pg.12 damn. him saying the convo was a lie i feel like i would do that too but people would be more worried because self depricating jokes, ch.5 pg.20 haha this dude was actually kinda chill tho he said "yo~" i really like that someone stop me im supposed to like the main characters more but honestly drama is not my go to but also i dont even come for the smut (this time around) so like characters like him keep me going on ch.19 yo~, ch.5 pg.23 yuh this dude just pushing the plot left and right (lol as if delinqiuent aint making bad desicions and childhood friend aint trying so hard), ch.5 pg.26 damn real talk. get your shit together and leave., ch.5 pg.31 lol aint that illegal or sum (bruh why did i think 'that would be a funny inside joke later' damn), ch.6 pg.4 damnnnnnnnn childhood friend really just solved all his problems just like that what kinda fucking 'boss' is this bruh oh man overestimating and overthinking loses hah, oop i checked the desc and his name was yagami lmao forgot about that from the first chap like i was gon point it out but i didnt lol, ch.6 pg.5 LMAO EVEN YAGAMI IS SCARED NOW, ch.6 pg.8 damn really just called yagami out againnn, ch.6 pg.9 damn first an idiot and now getting mad at him this shouldnt be funny but dammit ive been tired of his shit too, ch.6 pg.10 just saying but fuyu started this cause he slapped yagami first, ch.6 pg.24 son of a mother-, ch.6 pg.25-27 i-, wait wtf im putting the tags rn and i realized i got kinda tricked by that omegaverse tag wtf

Bokura wa Nando mo Koi o suru

Complete | SEINA Anji | 2017 released

yuhh i found this on the supernatural list and im syched, ch.3 pg.30 alright this is sad, ch.5 pg.43 aw, ch.6 pg.16 haha! Infinity~!, ch.6 pg.20 oop, wtf. anyway i cried rereading this

Never Days

Complete | TOUYA Tsuduru | 2016 released

HEY LOOK ITS FROM THE OTHER PERSONS PERSPECTIVE THIS MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE (except that hes kinda mentally 40), OH THIS WAS A ONESHOT I DIDNT NOTICE, also when blondie (idk) pushed other friend out of the way of falling whatever idk it reminded me of orange marmalade and that one scene where yuri (is it yuri?? idk) pushes her friend outta the way and gets hit (except she a vampire so she lives cause her heart didnt get stabbed), HUH THIS IS REALLY SWEET DAMN I FR JUST WENT WITH THE FLOW W THE 4 STAR RATING HUH? WELL I CHANGED IT TO 5 SO YEA

Omae no Koi wa Ore no Mono

Complete | TOKITA Honoji | 2018 released

shit bro the confessions on chapter 2 were so fucking cute but that bitch is so fucking weird eww, my thoughts on chapter 3 when i saw that bitch "EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCKK OFFFFFFF", UGH FUCKING BITCH HAD THE FUCKING AUDACITY TO KIDNAP JUDO CAPTIN AND EVEN HATED KARATE MANS LIKE FUCK HER YAKNOE, anyway chapter 5 was just smut and ngl ive been fuckin ignoring judo omegas bestie like damn (lmao judo omega and karate alpha), hm 5.5 bitch can be funny when shes annoyed and also karalpha askin judomega out but never specifiying its a date hehe