SSS-Class Suicide Hunter
ugh i am INVESTED, 11 LMAOW, 12 PLSSS TCHWEEK, 15 OH SHOOT THATS SO SWEET, honestly our mans looked so sweet at that last page of 16, 17 LMAO PLS THIS IS SO EXCITING, UGH I LOVE THIS SO MUCH, 18 SHE FR SAID "its called garbage can not garbage cannot", 23 oop lol, 24 BRUHHH ok boomer BUT DUDE YO THE DEVILS THINGY MAJIG BROO, 25 shitttt someone got the other one lolol, 26 YEE YEE THANK YOU ASURA SCANS, uh btw on 26 when they killed the other players that was just sad but the big guy killing people along with the "holy" blondie is a vibe, especially with everyone telling them to stop, 12 OH ok im rereadin and "you call me 'zombie' whenever your at an advantage and 'gong-ja' when your not" BRUH WHAT ARE YOU? A DETECTIVE, sorry I had to go to 17 to get the big guy's name after rereading 26 cause when sword saint went for Heretic Interrogator; Viper blocked his attacked even tho it's been shown he can do that in 22 so like nice or whateva, 24 ugh sorry I really love this ughh and then they just fucking kill people after this but eh, 7 hey ngl when he cut those slimes it was purty hot, 15 i will ALWAYS cry about this., 37 im gonna cry thats so mf sweeeeettt, 43 gong-ja... your such a nice guy!!!, 44 AWEEEEEE SHE WENT TO SCREENSHOT ARTICLES ABOUT HIM THATS SO SWEET, 45 THERES SO MUCH SHIT TO UNFOLD HERE. FIRST OF ALL BROOOO VIPER N HERETIC'S FRIENDSHIP IS JUST GREAT. ALSO SHE FRLS JUST SAID VIPER WAS UGLY NOOO DONT DO HIM LIKE THAT YOU LEFT A GUY WHO WOULD START AN ARGUMENT OVER COFFEE SPEECHLESS. ALSO ALSO LMAOOOO MF LOOKED SILLY TAKING PHOTOS. also also also (this is an important also) if gramps can see how many people he's killed (or how many times he has killed himself) wouldnt he see the number rise? like yeah mans can turn back 24 hours but gramps would see the number somehow rise over "5 days". it probably doesnt count monsters or goblins and even if it did theres no way he couldve killed that many. ofc there's also the probability of the demon king killing him but stilllll. anyway yea thats prty much it, 47 "YOUR FUCKING DAD" INCIDENT BAHAHAH STOPP, 49 HELP ME "MOTHERS" AND HIS FUCKING TEETH CLENCHHH, 50 HELP MEEEEEE FUCKING VIPERRRRR BAHAHAHAHA PLEASEEEE IM FUCKING DYING OVER HERR, 42 LMAO WHY DID I NOT TALK ABOUT WHEN PRETA DID 20 PUSHUPS WAS I CRYING OR SUM, 3 rereading and gong-ja.... ur like.. insane, 4 yall yoo soo-ha is fine w his hair down, 33 oh god i will always get chills over these eternal 5 days, 45 how can yall go from being goofy to serious so fast.. maybe its just me but seeing that "you cannot see how they commited murder" is crazy because i feel like the whole "killing himself 4000+ times" is hitting me right now and how you would actually explain that to anyone, 29 god i love this part but as i reread it i cannot take all that fucking dialougue im sorry i skipprd it all, 15 i will always vry, 29 FUCK idk i will always reread these parts they r so important to me bc they show his chr growth, 32 it actually pains me to see this bc this is what he gonna do for thr nect like thousand retakes, 50 LMAOOO VIPERS FUCKING HASTAGS... I CANT EVEN SAY SHIT MINE WOULD BE SO BAD, 51 "lemme just kms before we go :p", 53 VIPER NOOOOO WHY THE FUCK DID U LET HIM GO GONGJA????? LEAVE LAOSHI OUT OF THIS, 57 oh shit i thought they were zombz cuz he said they wrre cold but damn!!! thats hard work!!, 58 UH OH GUYS HE TOUCHED HIS SUICIDE KNIFE!!@!!, 61 oh good god here we are again. ALSO DIDNT EXPECT THIS TO BECOME A MARTIAL ARTS NOVEL LMAOO WOW just for this apocalypse tho >_< i wonder what happens next? do they need to go to more apocalypses?? cuz thats what he said the fire bastard did i think, 66 oh my god we r gonne be here a while. SHE SAID THERE WERE 9 STAGES TO THIS THANG. anyway the last panel on 64 was cute, 70 i might cry, 77 repeat, 80.5+6 I SAW SPOILERS N I WAS OWWTTTT i probs will get curious tho, 84 OH LORD RIP THEM BUT OH GOD THIS IS MY FAV GENRE AND W THE 2 MOST CHAOTIC PPL THIS IS GONNA BE CRAZ, 90 shes just a girl, 91 mmmm hourglasses (some1 save me), 93 OH U PURE IMMATURE LITTLE BOY (he has died by his own hand and to others and chooses to continue living) SOMEONE TAKE THIS MAN AEAY FROM ROMANCE HE IS TOO INNOCENT, 99 Good God I take back what I said im gonna vomit after seeing allat (JESUS FUCKING CHRIST MYNTJJSHSM), 105 holy shit this is the deepest plot EVER. ive never seen a love develop like this in a tower novel usually theyre without a lover but good god this has me on the edge of my seat, 106 SWORD EMPEROR THIS IS ALL UR FAULT!!!! THIS TORTURES ME AS MUCH AS IT TORTURES U . also if hes there, what happens to all those days before he went into the apocalypse???? i have no fucking clue whats happening, 115 oh lord... i misjudged gong-ja this whole time.. its like i never even knew him.. i didnt even know what he wanted..! now i can see that hes different from other moderate or trashy bastards. he wants to make the world a better place. he didnt kill himself because he was petty but because he knew that flame bastard turned the world to ruin. and now he will pave thw way for victory; also theyre making me crave choco shaved ice FUCK, LOLOLOL bro thats so funny ♡ hai guys :3 ch 15 makes me cry everytime and look at gong-ja !!!! hes so young and pure aww
What It Means to be You
BRO WHAT I THOUGHT- UGHHHH REUPLOADERSSSS DFUJDNWK OJAY WHATEVER LETS GO, 11 no bc shes genuinely trying to kill herself and he literally does not have a clue. ugh. and why does he have all those dresses in his room anyway?, hhhhhh 17 violet your an absolute sweetheart, 26 she tried to off herself after being locked up :(, 35 i cant imagine how upset she mustve been after hearing him ask "whose baby is it" bc it shows just how much he distrusts her. but it also shows how scared he is of her leaving. god im so scared. what if it isnt real? how will she react when she finds out? fuckkkk, 37 damn this rlly ain't like no other ive ever read, 38 :(((((, 39 mans doesnt know how to comfort her. he doesnt understand that money cant buy happiness. not true happiness. her love language isnt gifts and galore. she needs affirmation that he cares about her but they dont sit down to actually talk. i talked about this when i last made a comment on this. the miscommunication is whats breaking them apart. i cried bc she was so used to the pain and hurt and endured through it all. and when she thought she could finally catch a break.. that she could live happily with him if she had their baby. boom. it was all fake. her happiness of having a baby wasnt fake but the pregnancy. just when she thought after being sad all time made her numb she gets hit with this devastation :(, 41 ..."if ____ is happy im happy" they are depending on each others happiness for their own. so what happens when they're both sad? its obvious that theyll never find happiness if they dont find it themselves. im not saying they have to be alone to be happy nor that seeing others happy cant make them happy. im just saying they shouldnt rely on each others feelings like this, 42 get fuckin dunked ash. also when did winter get there lmao, they're both miserable. god this story is good, BUT I LOVE YOU SOOOOO; PLEASEE LET ME GOOOOOOO; BIT I LOVE YOU SOOOOO; PLEASE. LET ME GO., 53 Blooming. ☹, 25 bro knows he isnt familiar w violet but fucking told lulu off when she said she liked people?? like bitch how the fuck would you knoe you literally never went with her to any parties or anything bro. obviously the way she acts around you wont be the same as she acts with people who actually show that they care for her, 26 "switch bodies"... shes probably saying that because she knows she cant say she tried to kill herself again but once he finds out the method for switching bodies he'll know, 39 im crying, 46 the daydreams are you kidding me. also bro was goofy as hell at the end, 47 "we have no idea what madame violet truly wants." is that a joke? sarcasm? she has stately clearly to you that she doesnt want to return to winter and its clear she wasnt very happy by his side. i know they had their moments but as soon as winter accused violet of an affair things have gone even further downhill so shut yo goofy ass wanderer looking bitch face up, 90 WHAT OH MY GKD, 92 im crying harlin is such a cutie pie i love him sm bro, 98 erm i fucking knew it, 96 theyre so goofy, 100 I LOVE THEM SO MUCH, 116 SHAT RHE FUCK, 39 .....i picked the worst chapter to fucking come back to.. oh wow , 92 harlin is so pretty omll and ITS LIKE THEYRE SOULMATES BUT NOT REALLY BECAUSE VIOLET REACHED OUT FIRST AND PRAYED FOR HIS PAIN TO GO AWAY FUCKKK, 100 im gone. U WANT ME TO DIE SO BADLY, 105 im literally crying, 135 violets was short and sweet but turn u go to 136... SEVEN YEARS HAVR PASSED, 147 BYE IM CRYING. IM SO DONE. this was a rollar coaster of events i cant bro oml this is so good
Ashita Shinu
tbh i didnt cry at any of these rip, asshole. i might toally sob for 8 tho idk
One Room Angel