disapóint's manga / #Romance(457)

Love Is An Illusion

Complete | Fargo | 2000 released

tiny alpha and ass man raise baby with beta and master, uh- lemme reread this cause yeah, 1 oop colored pages at the start and just normal omega actin as alpha shit from tiny guy (imma try to figure out his name i promise), uh i just wanna say MISS GURL for 2 and thats it ig, 3 ahh he really does have a habit of running.. and is very tiny. oh yeah also the first pages are also colored so thats cool. also ass man is very respectful and cool considering how many omegas are treated I mean he did do it on his thighs but he immediately went to play piano after that like what a performer, 4 lol he is a performer but anyway did that guy have like front row seats cause like they spotted each other fast, 5 oop why is dojin's family so depressing.. how did I forget his name heesoo (?? I think- whatever beta) just said everything like i remember hes a virgo 20 and dropped out of his last year of high-school but not his name.. lemme go se, it's kim hyesung... I thought he was short but hes 164 cm so dojin is just fuckin tall cause gadam but hes the youngest??? ALSO I fucking forgot to mention the foreshadowing in 3 where he does his friend's homework cause he fuckin smarttt, 6 dkwopajdlzk (wait what happened i left to play genshin), pftt oh its cause hyesung was wearing panda pj's and held a teddy to sleep. also hes getting scammed like for someone so good at math hes very dense, 7 oof but it mustve been scary for him to be put in that position considering he was so confident but was recently told he was an omega, oh right also oof Heesu, 8 (park is his last name probably) Dojin has a sensitive nose huh and why doesnt Hyesung wanna go back to his parents house.. hmm it'll probabbbllyyy tell me, 9 hehehe Heesuu shaklajso thats great (from the beginning lol), WHERE IS HYESUNG GETTING SUCH CUTE PJS also I searched it up and 164 cm is 5 3' nvm lolol im taller than him, 10 hyesung u do not wanna get preggo-, 11 heesu and hye fr fighting lol, 12 i- at the end; so does dojin always hang at parks (lol thats his fucking last name) cause like bro-, 13 I feel like hyesung would've gotten mad when he heard when he was being used for inspiration but ig not huh.. okay maybe hes a bit too dense;;;;, look at all this text and im only on 14.. ugh, OH RIGHT dude dojin rlly just brought a guy home; fucked em; then left to fuck hyesung i-, 15 begging him please don't goo lol, 17 oh right he faked being dumb as to not live up to his fathers expectations, 18 ngl thats kinda scary, 19 SHUT. UP. DUDE EHALGWISHWQHJQYZPAN, 20 temper tantrum... I FORGOT HE GOT PREGNAT SO EARLY IN THE STORY WHAT, I also forgot to mention how he was being treated as an absolute child, WAIT I FORGOT TO MENTION ON 15 HOW HEESOO AND MASTER'S THINGY, 23 HEESOO YOU SCAMMED YOURSELF I-, 25 kdjslklapqiw dude him being in the closet and waiting at the door iNlsajlajaiwhao, 26 oof backstory.. he'd probably threaten people who teased him for having a toy bear, 27 mans just realized there's no getting out of this rabbit hole, 29 ahh.., 32 end of season 2.. disapeer is kim hyesung's middle name, 32.5 hehe short stories ahoahlsj, 33 yeah uh oof sad but Byul is pretty cute man, 36 uhh never speak of this to no one, 37 the last scene of cutting Hyesung was so nice.. anyway hello there Dojin, 37.5 pft-, sorry i got chills from knowing I've read this before.. ugh my stomach/ liver/ skin/ heart anyway 38 ouchies that stare really hurt me tho, 40 hhh dude i-, 41 ahh I honestly dont have anything to say cause its morning but thats sweet.. time to meet the family :), 42 hehe heesoo's a crybaby~~ but fr NOW its time to meet the fam.. in the next chapter, 43 skskks dude season 2 fin. yoo, 43.5 ohhh season 3 is side stories, 45 the fact that I skipped all of that and dojin fucking killed hyesung from fucking him, 46 awww hyesung saw the baby book and dojin is super worried haha ugh I mean I gotta say my fav webtoon couple is aria x asher but GADAM DOJIN IS SUCH A GOOD HUBBY a bit overprotective but he has his reasons. well anyway Hyesung went to visit the fam, 47 aww hyesung means comet and byul means star awwwwwww, 49 drop everything cause HEESOOOOOOOO, 50 im sorry but HEESOO IS SO PRETTY UGH, 51 ksslsjlajsk do you SEE THOSE COLORED PAGES CAUSE DAMNNN, 52 awwwwww heesoooownlacqahqoyw, WAIT WAIT WAIT. Hee-swoon KKSJSHAJAJ HAHQHAJAHOW, 53 LMAO PLS I REMEMBER FREAKING OVER THIS LIKE "OMG HE LOVES DICK HAHAHA" I think.. ANYWAY does heesoo tell dr park (idk but I don't wanna call him master) bout "The Heat Cycle" that happened in his humble abode?, 54 oh forgot to mention this is colored, 57 you better keep up on that promise HEESOO, 59 okay weddings are always gonna be good, 60 me not knowing the gender to Dojun's (master) ex-wife is a fucking mood but anyway HEESOO YOUR SO GOOD AT EVERYTHINF ISTGE, 65 LET GOOOOOO HEESOO YUH, but honestly WHY DOES DOJUN HAVE SO MUCH BEEF ON HIM GODAMN, 67 pfttt let dojin have his fun okay? also thank you for the whole colored chapter yeee, 71 yall- hspaschandikap they are both wondering why the other isn't contacting them kqlap they have such an awkward relationship they need some time together, 72 ahh the power of the bond

Akai Ito No Shikkou Yuuyo

Complete | yoshio akira | 2015 released

cool, pft ch 3 "yikes! you've pooped a chubby", ch 4 sad vibes (honestly im loving the development in these like i like stories like these but also the tsun is too strong!), ch 5 dangg i was a bit embarrased but honestly it was worth it in the end, hah 5.5 thats nice, oki dokey 5.6 and im donee, dumbass u didnt put it completed, (i was talking to myself ofc not the updater. this is for me bc im still a dumbass), 3 i reread for the "popped a chubby" and im starting to give him a australian accent bc someone is defo doing that on purposw

Tabesugi Kinshi!

Complete | AOFUJI Kii | 2015 released


Mujintou Ni Motte Iku Nara

Complete | Yamada Nichoume | 2000 released

oh boy, love is an illusion vibes (the running away part yknow?), uhh ch 2 shit getting scary (ALSO look at the authors other works!! idk if they like edited or helped out but thats neat right?), almost forgot this was in my reading but it updated today (jan 1 ofc) like the last updates were in 2017. damn

Hinekure Chaser

Ongoing | panco. | 2013 released
2020-07-21 07:08 marked

feccing crying inside hot damn this shit getting to me

Dos Obake Ga Nekasetekurenai

Ongoing | tokishiba | 2016 released

ive had a dream about the same concept, and this is really good, what a twist! Haha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH HOLY SHEET THE NEIGHBOR HAHAHAHA, oh the neighbor sus, but i guess hes fine now, OMG NEW GUY TAKUMI HAHAHA YASS, OH SHET TAKUMI WAS A SPIRIT TOO HOLY SHET WHAT, chp. 6 pg. 28 for the 2nd story is a lot of smut, kinda wanna check out the authors other works, WAIT I READ IT AGAIN AND VOL. 2 CH. 6 PG. 26 HE LOOKED HOT WITHOUT HIS GLASSES BUT 3 CHAPTERS LATER HE PUT THEM BACK ON?!? I MEAN I GUESS YOU WANNA SEE UR HUSBANDO BUT HAHA THATS KINDA FUNNY, haha rereading this and was gon say im light reading but i forgot there were 2 volumes so im just gon finish vol.1, omg vol.1 ch.4 pg.9 fucking idk what to call it i guess foreshadowing a flashback?, HAHAHAH NOT ME CLOSING MY MOUTH SHUT AT THAT SCENE IN THE LIBRARY PLACE, 2 ....BC THERES NO WAY NO ONE HEARD THAT CUZ THE SUBWAY AINT THAT LOUD, 4 oh I was gon say there's no way they wouldn't have bumped into each other before but idk, hi this updated :p anyway; 02 5 HELP THE END BAHAHAH and yes i did read the info cards and me and Yuuji are both the middle child of 3! ALSO THE SLIM FIGURED HAHA why did it not show the rest of the beginning- /hj, 02 6 HAHAHAHA LMAO (laughing in pain bc fossil fr has the best luck) "get the salt." LMAOO, 02 6.5 oop author changed the info i think- but anyway LMAO POOR YUUJI GOT IN TROUBLE FOR BEING HEADPATTED FR GOT DEATH GLARES BAHAHAH, THE SKETCHES. THE BDAY SKETCH PLS I WANNA DRAW LIKE THAT- ITS SO GOOD AND THE GIF AT THE END- ISTG IM SO CLOSE TO GOING ON LAPTOP JUST TO BOOKMARK IT-, NVM I DONT THINK I NEED TO BE ON DESKTOP VERSION TO BOOKMARK IT WOOOOO, BRO THE GIF AT THE END OF SPECIAL DOUJIN 1 AWWWW

Megumi and Tsugumi

Ongoing | Si Mitsuru | 2018 released

forgot to comment- uh, tsugumi IS sugar daddy, okay rereading cause i cant continue from the middle of the story even tho i left at the middle of the story- anyway the start where they explain what the omegaverse is was cute (pg.8), ch.1 pg.16 ohhhh he wanted to fight him cause he was only fightin alphas and not omegas oooooooh lol (vol.1 obvi i just said i was rereading), ch.4 pg.1 why do they have paint-, ch.5 pg.1 oi im figuring out who these people are, ohhhhhh theyre from persona 5 hahah, ch.5 ch.32 them: talking me: holy shit i forgot he doesnt have fucking eyebrows, ch.5 pg.40 damn his ice cream, ch.6 pg.6 hah always liked this scene, ch.6 pg.8 oops almost forgot he did the no no to tsugumi, ch.6.5 pg.9 hehe, ch.6.5 pg.12 cuye, ch.6.5 pg.18 OH SHIT THATS FUCKING CUTE, ch.6.5 uh 1. holy shit shes 9?? and 2. damn suzume is only 9 and we both got the same idea, STOPP UGHHHH okay so i was thinkin bout eulynna cause of suzume and i was thinkin of showing her to eulynna and saying "she reminds me of you" and then i thought bout it a little more and she also has a gay brother- but now that i think more they arent that similar cause i literally just remembered they celebrated her birthday and she just turned 9, ch.6.5 pg.30 OH HAHAHA ON THE LEFT HE ONLY USES HIS PHONE FOR GAMING LMAOO, ch.6.5 pg.36 LMAOOOOOOO, ch.6.6 pg.5 LMAOOOOOOOO HE GOT TRICKED, ch.6.6 pg.12 LMAO SOMETIMES I FORGET MEGUMI IS ALSO A DELINQUENT, ch.6.6 HAHAH THATS CUTE, WTFF I DIDNT EVEN PUT THE PAGE ITS CH.19 I THINK LEMME GO CHECK, FUCK IM NOT EVEN GONNA DELETE THAT I MEANT PAGE AND YES THATS THE RIGHT ONE; anyway ch.6.6 pg.24 haha i thought tsugumi was popular but then i remembered he beat up alphas and people might be repaying him or sum idk, ch.6.6 pg.28 uhh imma pretend i dont see whats on his face but i just realized i really like the way how the artist draws fingers and they dont do it often so-, ch.6.6 pg.32 aw suzume is cuye, (i was shaking cause i spelled cute wrong twice now while refering to suzume) but anyway ch.6.6 pg.38 i jusy really like the art style okay, ch.6.6 pg.39 OH YEAH THIS ONE WAS SO FUCKING CUYE, vol.2 ch.1 pg.3 HOLY SHIT TSUGUMI, vol.2 ch.1 pg.22 damn he scared me (gotta go finish homework that was created a week ago that i didnt do thats due today ‍♂️; yes im referring to math so i'll be back; reminder to self its 6:21 pm right now), pft i had to come back and change the running emoji because i used a female running and apparently there wasnt a female running emoji cause it was a man with the female symbol next to it so i changed it to a man lmao, i checked again and it just doesnt fucking work so fuck all, WAIT HAVE I BEEN GETTING THEIR NAMES WRONG THE WHOLE TIME OR WAS YOUNGER ME TRIPPING CAUSE IT SAYS "tsugumi IS sugar daddy" BUT ARENT I TALKING BOUT MEGUMI????, OI I CHECKED AND IM RIGHT WTF, vol.2 ch.1 pg.37 :3 (also its 8:58 and i finished the math but i havent submitted it so fuck me; fuck i had that thought again that i have whenever i say "fuck me" cause ive read a buncha these [at least 400] and some among the bunch make me feel some typa way like where one owns the other and i- sometimes i think 'ay i would totally sell my body for money to give it to others and buy presents' like idk if thats bad or just a kink idk), sometimes i forget how FUCKING HOT MEGUMI IS LIKE DAMNNN, vol.2 ch.4 pg.9 huh why tf does this dude look like hawks, vol.2 ch.4 pg.11 SKSKSKSKSKSKSK TSUGUMI WITH HIS HAIR DOWN IS GOLD EEEEEEEE MAMSMSMNDDJOAJSJDODHEIIA YEZ, vol.2 ch.4 pg.28 aww suzume offering her ice cream to him, vol.2 ch.5 pg.5 oh i forgot about that, vol.2 ch.5 pg.17 i dont think he understand ur long ass words. like what the hell is 'affectionally hanging out'??? just say ur doing him without his consent, vol.2 ch.5 pg.26 i think tsugumi headbutting everyone is cute, vol.2 ch.5 pg.38 ah i just realized his hair was still doan oops, vol.2 ch.5 pg.47 wtf his name is subaru like the car. megumi wtf, vol.2 ch.5.5 pg.1 ...its like tsugumi dyed his hair black or something, vol.2 (why do i bother?) ch.5.5 pg.42 hehe, vol.2 ch.5.6 pg.21 HAHAH WHEN HE WAS LIKE HUH??? AND THEN TRIED TO GO FOR A INDIRECT KISS, vol.2 ch.5.6 pg.27 BAHAHAHAHAH STAMP, vol.2 ch.5.6 pg.28 wait now i feel lonely i want someone to wrap their arm around me, vol.2 ch.5.6 pg.29 CUTE!, vol.2 ch.5.6 pg.32 cuteee, vol.2 ch.5.6 pg.33 HAHAH, vol.2 ch.5.6 pg.37 HAHAHAHAHAH CUTE

Houkago Shounen Hanako-kun

Ongoing | Aida Iro | 2000 released

Himitsu ni shiro yo!!

Complete | SATOMARU Mami | 2017 released


I'm Banging My Rival From A Parallel World!?

Ongoing | Yodogawa Yuo | 2000 released

????????, OK THIS CUTE AND SAD OMG, HAHA ALL THESE STORIES ARE CUTEEEE, UGHHHHH WHY WOULD YOU JUST GRAB SOMEONE AND SAY "SAY SOMETHING" LIKE NOO THE TRAUMA, MMMMMMM REREADING AND ITS LITERALLY SO CUTE UGHHHAHAJAHSJS, DAMN I FORGOT THERE WERE MULTIPLE STORIES WHY DIDNT I PUT IT IN THE TAGS UGH DUMBASS, oop anyway did i mention that on chapter 4 im pretty sure hes the childhood friend that has their eyes closed most of the timr, anyway i skipped chal 5 cause it made me a bit uncomfy or else that was a different story of which i dont want to find out