Junai Drop Out
2 lol excuse me??, 3 honestly theyre so cute tho 4 LMAO EBI AND AV (ebi meaning shrimp and av adult video), 4 huh thats how piercings work wtf im dumb, 4 dudeee theyre so cuteee ugh, 5 hah the sis and WHAP and literally theyre so cute ugh, 6 aww shaving and him drunk and the high school photos ugh yeah theyre so cute
Gyangu no Kai-kata
yeah, cool *points*
The Affairs of the Other World Depend on the Corporate Slave
6 lol also I love this fuckin thing, 12 SHEEEEEEEESH LETS GOOOO, .........yeah I'm not fucking finishing that, 11 guys he was BUTThurt by the fact hes not into people younger than him, 12 LITERALLY HES RETHINKING LIFE RN, HELP I LET OUT A SCOFF AS IF I WAS OFFENDED THAT SOMEONE ATTCKED HIM, 13 qait so the prime minister aint evil? woops i guess i shouldnt guess a book by its cover, 6.5 oooo sweet, 17 hes so cute I'll die, 19 STUPIDDDD UGHHH WHY DIDNT U LISTEN TO THAT KID RANTING FOR A COUPLE MORE HOURS WAHHHH anyeay LMAOOO aresh got him good, 26 the people who fixed that low quality screenshot r gods, 29 prediction time!!!!! since ist even noticed his change in magical energy.. maybe kondo (can i just call him ichi if his name is seiichirou) fets too much exposure and collapses and whats his face runs dramatically to him!! or maybe ichi finds out the secret evils of the church and they lock him up and knight has to save him!! loool, 30 OHHHH U HATE MEE HES PUTTING PIECES TOGETHER AND SHOWING SIGNS OF FATIGUE AND OFCCC ARESH ARRIVES, 31 SIGMAAAA MY BABYY LOOOL dude that one trend where its the song "it started when we were younger you mine my boo" (i think) and its the man sliding to the other man standing thats aresh and then ichi is standing and holding papers
Sonna ni Iu Nara Daiteyaru
The Lady and Her Butler
6 nice kid, 9 whys the kid always shiny, 14 han garam hmm? alr okay, 18 introducing... garam's whole damn backstory. 19 along with hers', a bit confused as to why we're still looking at mr hwangs side stiry but wtv, 25 he quite literally lights up the room like hes literally glowing i think something is wrong. lol. anyway i feel like mrs. doh is evil but maybe i just got more and more bored of hwang's story that i need some spice, 28 garam IS cuter than the bear, 37 whats it to ya hwang, 39.5 UR JOKING RIGHT YOUNG-JUN NO WAY YOUR LITTLE BROTHERS NAME IS YOUNGER-JUN STOP BAHAHAH, 40 why did i not give a shit about um... the main characters (i know the dudes name is moon taesoo but i cant seem to remember her name lmao sorry) but got sad once we went back to garam's problems... there has to be something going on with me psychologically. anywho ily author for giving garam a stiry, oh right now that i think about hom he typed Lim sooha before lmao i only rembered his name because she was like "look its moon taesoo..!" lol, 42 ya shave that scraggly ass chin hairs off its a bad look /hj, 45 awwww (and straight back into fighting on 46 yayy), 47 NO WAY AM I IGNORING TAESOO WOWOWOW WOWIE, 53 no way sooha is the daugther of the best friend of hwang's father right... hahaha....., 56 grr once i get older im gonna buy a condiment container then put banana ketchup in there because i wanna make a heart but i cant do that if i cant squeeze the sauce out!!... idk why i thought that and typed that up just now.. anyway, 58 NO HAN GARAM ILY, 66 ITS HIS EX OMG CALLED IT (not really but wtv), 68 ahh.. called it.. sorry about that old man. but i mean dont drown in your sorrows. live in the present! your son is happy with his partner and sooha is happy with hers. sure theres some arguments here or there but whats life without some bumps on the road?.. if you were someone he'd get a loan for then im sure he'd be happy seeing you happy, 73 WHOAHAHQ bro i fs thought it was taesoo but when it said it was soojung i was like "ok fine wtv" but i think i just forgot his surname was moon bc bruhh that is obvious asf. also why was she crying, dont talk to me, 39.5 WHAT IS GOING ON, 57 GARAM IS SO ME. LOLOLOL PASKIN POBBINS, 77 BOOOOO FUCK U DOH, 85 glad they could resolve the rings but its always one problem after another.. and by problem i mean dog soojung, 89 aaahh so this is why u dont date ppl from work... this is so fking complicated, 105 oookay... dont let it affect u sooha.. pls.. i cant, 116 LOL, 119 MR.HWANG STOP FUCKING SLEEPING WITH YOUR EMPLOYEES!!!!! BE SO FR WITH ME, 123 THEY GOT MARRIED GUHHH, 134 i really didnt care about them. scrolled quickly anytime they ahowed up because i knew she was taeso's ex. but i think i know why the author included their story. as sooha and taeso fought every other day it wouldve been refreshing to see those two innocently going on dates and falling in love. joonhyuk is a good guy, 137 NOOOOOO GARAM U CANT BE A CORPORATE SLAVE!!!! WHERE IS UR SPARKLE??? UR SHINE???? SAVE MY BOY!!! HE CANT BE AN AHJUSSHI YET!!, 139 HES SO BAD OH MYY GOFD
Konomi ja Naka to
ch 3 well looky here aint it the myreadingmanga tag, pft frrr him trying to get away after doing something embarrasing then getting a door slammed in his face then his glasses broken and him trippin and them fucking and "this is the perfect situation to grab your butt." "ah do you instead want to grab mine?", CH 4 AH A NEW STORY- okay so unlucky dude meets this dude whos a photographer and was driving to his ex-boyfriends wedding but helps unlucky dude and finds out his ex-boyfriend was two timing them and they hook up (whats itachi and neko; altho im guessing its the same concept as top n bottom or seme n uke), ch 5 oh shittt girlfriend went crazy cause unluck went over to trash the ex so she tied both of em up (peep unluck's backstory n pov and "bisexual idiot" on the ex) but photo went over and calmed em down like he fr said "chill like he sucks but that was 4 years ago bet hes tryna get better", BYE I LEARNED WHAT PREMATURE EJACULATION MEANS SIBWBIWG9OSH (the end of ch 6 oooooof), ohhh I saw this while lookin thru "opposites" tag and I remember this (after reading this comment lol) but I never finished this? wtv I'll maybe check later
Ore to Aitsu no Jikangai ××