The Wirepuller Gets Lucky in Happier Years
18 her dress is so pretty, 23 WTF YALL IM JUST NOW REALIZING THOSE 2 BROTHERS... they look and act so fucking similar i swear im not fucking crazy bro
I Listened to My Husband and Brought In a Lover
The Broken Ring : This Marriage Will Fail Anyway
11... oh wow. oh !! wow!!!!, 19 my heart is hurting for her. for them, 23 "10 men is better than 1" i have bad news for u LOL, 31 HELP "residence -> hq -> residence -> hq" WELL!, 34 DHMU. DONT TALK TO ME. FUCKKKKKK, 39 lolol whyd i think the store was called cerrado bruh it was closed, 44 HOLY SHIT RAÚL ATE HIM UP. FIGHT BACK!!!! DONT EVER LET THEM DISRESPECT HER, 46 LMAAOAOAOAOOAOO, 47 aah.... hes smarter than he looks.. well he mustve thought about this for a long time, 56 STUPID BITCH HIS FEVER FLARED UP BECAUSE HE GOT EXCITED BY HER, 65.5 the 3rd episode... "i wasnt the only one who had this eye color" MY HEART. WHY DONT YOU JUST RIP IT OUT, 65.5 HELP THE 4TH. "who wants to see carcél crying?" MEEEEE ^0^, 75.5 AAAAHHH THE OUTFITSSS DHMU
Junkyouju Takatsuki Akira no Suisatsu
2.3 ohh tengu.. thats dope asf. also spirited away!!, 4.2 do u think theyll ever kiss
A Capable Maid
3 literally forgot that she used to be a princess lmaoo, oh right 4 "Our swords are meant to vanguish our enemies. Not to persecute our subjects" sheeeeesh okay mr prince. anyway 5 i really fucking love this, 6 so thats why they dont know shes her. anyway fuck you guys frfr i wish you guys had never met bc you're talking about killing her so fucking easily, like yeah hes misunderstood ig but i like the knight dude wayyyy fuckin more, 8 while hes tryna figure out whats up w her im tryna figure out how the fuck she didnt know it was him. LIKE CMON THOSE FUCKING BLUE EYES AND BLOND HAIR ARE PRETTY MUCH UNMISTAKABLE. ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING HOW YALL HAD A FULL ON CONVO LIKE BRUHHH WHAT IS THIS SUPERMAN BULLSHIT, 48 "no fucking way" LMFAOOO, 66 THE WAY SHES GOT TWO GUYS CHASING HER AND I HAVE NO ONE.... IM BOITTA STOP READING BRUH jk HES SO CUTE FUCK 2ND MALE LEAD SYNDROME idc sometimes i despise it when there are multiple MLs and its OBVIOUS the first ML us getting chosen like hed be on the damn cover LIKE HELLO???? WHY EVEN INCLUDE THE 2ND ML.. idk im fine with multiple its fun to back som1 up but marie literally loves that damn prince, 67 the way she peeked in the mirror oh my god im gonna cry... anywya where did the plot go does she not gaf bro i need to leave, 69 BOOOOOO HE SHOULDVE SAID PRINCESS MORINA
Kyuuketsuki to Yukai na Nakama-tachi
this story is lowkey depressing lol... 3 あくま。lolol
A Boy's Scar
MSNOSYWKQKA8 17 UPDATED UM BSKAHA, 13 "wheres my mom?" PUKES IM SOBBING, 19 what if i killed myself
There Is No Place for Fakes
i didnt even say nothing.. this story feels a bit familiar but fuck it. i havent said anything while reading nothing about the fast pacing the changing of the future the sus blondie nothing. but this bitch. they messed with the wrong crazy lololol 25 what the fuck is wrong with you you redheadass i will rip all those curls off of you and beat your bald head bruised idgaf get ur nasty claws off of my girl she already had a dhit down and meeting your stinky ass just made it shittier i wont fucking forgive ur fucking insolence for even looking down upon her i will bring you to the gallows and make you have a fate worse than death the things i would do to u if only god wasnt looking down at me WATCH YOUR BIG BACK, 26 scrolled through the whole things bc of that annoying bitch and everything is making me mad its actually funny like im laughing but my brain and body is instictively writing this, 40 alright ur going to the abyss for 8 hours LMAOOO, 48 OUUUU, 49 ur acting was phenomenal daddy L, 51 BABY L AKA LEXION IS SOOOOOOO BAD, 54 cadin is so sweet!! im starting to msis the emperor and the drama where did he go why does nobody gaf about her anymore, 55 oop speak of the devil lolol, 57 id recognize that obsessive look in nasar's eyes anywhere, 72 WAHHHH IM ACTUALLY GONNA CRY IM SO SOWWY NASSAR UR KINDA CRAZY BUT UR THE GOAT
At the End of 4 Minutes