Preventing The making of a Tyrant
GIRLL, ngl the heart shaped irises r pretty cool tho, 4 marchmond <33, 6 not to like imply that all animal people know each other but- do you happen to jnow marchmond? forget it u dont, 11 ig she's cute when she's nice (rosalina? idfk), (solania) 14 see? even rayne thinks the same. also 15 pretty purple dress, 27 ooo hi sienna..(?) also those guards were not intimidating in the slightest.. ALSO WHAT R U DOING RAYNE, (obviously a nightmare) 29 MARCH OH MY GOFD, 39 ngl i would start throwing hands, 54 JAYNE WAHHHHH, 56 bro I JUST REALIZED. jayne and rayne..... LOOOL, 58 wish i were fluent in spanish, 66 BITCH U PLAYING LOLOL bro im so sick and tired of rayne NOT ASKIGN QUESTIONS. LIKE GIRL BE CURIOUS FOR ONCE!!!!! istg one of these day bro... how u not gonna question how anité knew marchie??? and then u aint even gonna tell ur bff rosella who trusts u with her damn life THAT U ALREADY KNOW ABOUT JAY????? like bro if u just told her then she wouldnt be putting as much of a guard up as she does... rayray keeping all this to herself bro i could NEVER. my blabbermouth ass would not stop spilling and snitching bro i am not fit to work underground, 67 PHEW bro everything i just ranted about is currently being resolved THANK GOD. i lowkey drc about her mom but yk if she cares then i have to.. HER DAD WAS DAYUMM FINE BRO... anyway at least they have some sense phew!! (i literally love this fucking stiry there could never be any flaws), 69 help idk if its the cramps or the butterflies in my stomach, 76 guys im so happy they r loving each other ITS MUTAL!!!!! bro they need to realize their feelings quicker or sum like i needa see them kiss.. LOL. anyway snown is so fucking sus bro, 78 IM GOING TO TEAR MY HEART AND EYES OUT WHY WOULD HE DO THAT IN THAT RANDOM PLACE AND TIME IM DEAD; woops it was a misunderstanding..... ON MY PART LOLOLOL bro i wanna see what she said fr before he said it was for the bit
Company and Private Life
Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess
oop i tried to find it on wattpad (where i read it) but it was deleted oof but i got far enough so its fine but its a total bummer it got spoiled, ch.35 pg.2 why the fuck was this harder to read than the novel, ch.37 pg.5 the FEELS i got from that line but seriously i was agreeing tho, ch.38 pg.4 mm, wait shitttt 399 ooooop this is when we see emily the real mvp, ch.39 pg.13 damn the food looks to fuckin pretty but she cant fuckin eat it cause she got those toy untensils, FUCK i just noticed its utensils as i left not that fuckery but im leaving it there so i can learn from my mistakes, ch.40 pg.8 ngl it was kinda funny when i learned about the crossbow and its still funny now, ch.40 pg.9 bruh dont fuckin grit ur teeth pinki but i know that you will def get a stern talkin to in the attic, ch.40 pg.17 haha when she just dumps the rest of them, ch.41 pg.5 fuck actually got me in the fucking feels because of that fuck, ch.41 pg.14 ouch fuck i remember reading this and getting so fucking sad, ch.41 pg.19 ah dont forget hes the fucker who blamed her for stealing jewelry (kinda, he didnt stand up for her when pinki framed her), ch.41 pg.21 ah fuck i just know that this is where the real flashback starts. she gets bullied for weeks and one day the fam finally notices and beats the bullies up. she has to say "thank you" to people who couldve stopped or if she didnt have to be involved with them she wouldnt be in that position of getting bullied. but she is forced to say thanks to the people who caused the problems and fixed it for the sake of 'trying to reconnect' when they had never even attempted to 'connect' with her at all. i still dont know why or how she ends up with the character who tries to kill her (from the ball) but im sure she will get the happy ending she deserves., ch.42 pg.15 hot damn the attic looks great like when i read it my head just conjured up some plain attich but i totally forgot how large these mansions were, ch.42 pg.19 fuckkkkk its so so fucking PRETTY, ch 42 pg.20 shut the fuck up, ch.42 pg.26 fuck off you're the bastard here and you will until i see that you start behaving like you aren't, ch.43 pg.11 sigh i did not remember this nor will i claim that i didnt read this but i guess ill just tell myself that there aint no right nor wrong but only consequences, ch.43 pg.13 ha. he thought she was selfish of wanting yvonne to never come back; and it was but why blame her? she was living like she had no existence in the world. when she was brought up into nobility that was her joy and hope. if she had to go back to what it was in the past she'd rather die., ch.43 pg.23 thats fucking good ugh i love her, ch.43 pg.25 honeslty dont give a shit but dont want her to die, ch.44 pg.2 wouldve given me chills if i wasnt watching matpat playing fnaf vr amd being creeped out from parts a service neon mode and the cockraoches on chica like damn thats only the fucking beginning unless you aint playin fnaf 1 2 3 & the dark rooms bro, ch.44 pg.3 makes my heart drop every time and makes me want to cry and i was blocking out matpat the whole time and now it glitched out so fuck all and now i dont know how to feel but i wonder if the artist was crying as well when she drew this or if the author was because it sure as hell makes me want to cry if not for the fact that ive already cried over having been told that i should drop out if im not going to work and i seriouslt considered it because i really need to take a fucking break without worrying about the week before or after but also another part of me saying that i just need to work harder and imma stop before i get another breakdown, ok im watching callmekevin so i think im fine (probably not a good thing to go to callmekevin whenever im sad i mean this could become an addiction but i think thats the point), AAAAAAAAAAAAAA IT FUCKING UPDATED HELL YED HOLY SHYITJTISIANAN, FUCKIN OUTED HIM DUDE BUT ITS TIME FOR MY MANSS, 46 UGH YES THANK YOU BOO UGHH THATS SO GOOD, 48 damnnn deep shit. (this whole novel/ manwha is deep), 33 cute kids heh I especially like the cat masked one hehehe (pls that's kinda creepy i-), 11 and that was when I decided to make a reynold hate page /j, 14 honestly I've been pretty upset over the spoiler but at least I won't get my hopes up and ig hes kinda hot, 16 BUT YALL KNOW I FREAKING LOVE A MAN COMFORTING A GAL AFTER A MISUNDERSTANDING UGH he's hot too fuckk, 17 damnnnnnn this do be making me happy thoo, 19 oh yeah the first gift he gave her. also the dog hole, 20 when I deleted the hate reynold hate page, 22 back when Eclis' name was Ikles, also it annoys me a bit that I wrote so much from the pages but whatever ig, 29 ayo get yer rain check, 36 got caught tryna go thru the doggy hole lol, 38 cool bracelet, 40 lol crossbow and payback for the stupid utensils, 42 I did get t pretty mad thoo fuck dude I don't even wanna talk about it, 46 oh my how did his hands get there I wonder, 49 whoop whoop. whoop whoop, 50 crossbow (+ father's favor) , 51 heh. heh. and let's go emily :) oh right the letter-, 53 I feel misunderstanding vibes from him but whatever u go girlie, 54 pft she just left- but like same tho, 56 pfffftt haha father showing off the gift, 58 ah ripp, 59 VINTEERR EYYY oh right also blondie is lowkey being assassinated, came for the update; stayed to reread chapters 41 and 42, 60 FUCK YEAH SHE DONT NEED A MAN but also WHY does she end up with the fucking crown prince istg im never gonna forget that ever and i can never reread this and wonder "oh whos she gonna end up with?" BC ITS GONNA BE THE DAMN PRINCE UGH, 61 LMAOO REYNOLD DONT RUIN THIS MOMENT, 62 im gonna choke up; wahh, 63 LMAO WJAT VINTWR DIDNT EVEN KNOW IT WAS HER BAHAHAH, i hope someday i could read 43 and 44 without crying. without my voice cracking. I'll get there. and soon i bet, 71 THIS GUY~~~~ AINT NO WAY HES GONNA PLAY IT OFF.... ugh he'll probably say something like "i was threatening to kill you not about to" or "you were trespassing private property ehat did you think would happen", 73 ...what a memory., 74 hey now dont go giving daddio ideas now buddy, 78 THEY THINK SHE MURDERED HIM HOLY SHUT, 79 her heart is hurting little duke. what can you do to help?, 80 literally kys this is why ur being called young master and not brother like reynold like bro im boutta start hating you fr if you dont get over yourself. im not asking you to love her. all i ask is you dont hate her. and get over it bruh fuck offf, literally. how fucking dare you speak to her like that. "wdym like that" like a parent berating their child for not doing their assignments without attempting to help them. like someone who is ignorant to someone's suffering and is a shithead until the very end, 81 OOOHHHHH LETS GO DADDY-OOOO, 83 YAYYY VINTER ILYYY, reynold is so fine in chapter 20, 0 reynold what the fuck you just called her the r slur, 82 making me giggle fr, 83 MEOWM DO EM EOWMEOWMEOW VINTERR, 87 CEDRIC POTTER???? AND THE REFERENCE TO HARRY LMAOO, 90 SHE SLAYEDDDD O PNELOPE YEAHHAHAHAHAAHHH, 53 ...i miss eclis, goddamnbro fucking chapter 101 ????? i remember when this was just barely starting to update jesus christ, 116 WHAT THE FUCK IS THE PRINCE DOING HERE???!?!?!?, 121 i know you. i met you once upon a dream, 97 guys i lowkey dont remember this, 83 third times the charm and damn he is chaing. i <3 vintee, mmmm the spefial after 124.. im soaking in the reynold praise, 130 yall... crown prince bas- i mena his hand reaching out to prevent her from touching the game panel WHICH HE CANT EVEN SEE is making me feel things, 138 i see what's going on here. that damn game system, 143 goddammit, 147 yikes... yall if this story makes it to 200 w/o finishing i might just do smth, 152 im crying
It Looks Like I’ve Fallen into the World of a Reverse Harem Game
whats up, ch.21 pg.7 PFT, ch.21 pg.15 birb; also fuck what is she gon do now, ch.22 pg.12 hes like wtf i won a whole fuckin war tf you mean i cant enter; and meanwhile she just sneakin in through the window, ch.23 pg.3 hes like 'tf i just kissed ur hand', ch.23 pg.6 um nandrika being a cutie but also when he said "theres a traitor in the palace" shes like 'uh bitch i know', ch.23 pg.10 fuck its nadricka and also hes so fucking cute, ch.24 pg.4 actin kinda sus, ch.24 pg.18 hes so fucking cutee argghhh, ch.25 pg.3 SHAKABSBSJJEJE MY MOUTH IS AAGPE NAKJWN NADRICKA WHAF DOND TOYU THO K YUR DOING ANDKROEBHS SBAJAHSJSJZAAA DEWSEEEESAAZJSKKSNS, ch.25 pg.4 SHE JUDT STRAIGHT UP CONFRONT HIM AJAKNSNZLNZBKALAB, ch.25 pg.10 WAIT I TOOK A CLOSER LOOK AT HIS FACE AMD HE LOOS LJKE YOOSYNG BAJSJDNSJAHAHJA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA SVHSJAJABAUGEKZHAHAQ, ch.25 pg.13 uhhh awkwarddddd i mean ur hot and all but nadricka fucking cute dude, ch.25 pg.14 HAHAHAHA THE WAY SHE PICTURES THEM WITH EARS AND A TAIL AHHAHSBABAJAH BOI IF YOU DONT-, ch.25 pg.16 haha 'no way.. this is' *lenny face intensifies*, wait i just read the bottom of that page and um.. the first thought i had was "piss on her" like can i just fuckk off, i- i was reading on manganelo because chapter 28 updated and i read the comments on 24 and apparently they think nadricka is sus?????? uh nah man im gon stop reading comments unless i need someone useful, ??? on 25 and just wanted to see how other felt bout the seggs scene and someone called him a wh0r3??? thankfully someone called him dumb and others just posted memes and some were confused that nadricka and princess only kissed and hugged like yeah deadass , damn 26 makin me feel bad for the dude ngl, ch.26 pg.17 PFT BYE ITS.. fuck i forgot ITS BLONDIE HAHAHAHAHHA (also i noticed this while reminding myself what the number was "26 17" get it? its my home adress number lol), and yes i cam from manganelo just to say this lol, OMG EW I READ THE COMMENTS FROM 26 AND THEY SAID THEY LIKED BLONDIE BETTER WHY WTF WHY THEY LIKE RUBIO OVER NADRICKA LIKE WHY????? PLEASE I MEAN HES NOT HOT SHIT BUT HE AINT HOT EITHER (like hot shit as in poopy and hot as in awooga; also he was kinda hot when he was teacher princess but thats it like he looked like an alcoholic after that), also btw i keep looking at the skull emoji and its so fucking ugly lemme see if i can get a different one, does dis work, no its fucking ugly, oh gadamn it updated lol, 28 pft them eating together but also DAMNN WHO WAS THAT SHAWTY AT THE END, 29 OH I REMEMBER THAT HUNK HE HAD A HUNKING BOD AND I was honestly a bit sad when I didn't see him again, 30 huh. coolio then and like yoooo at the end thooo snskakdkdo stoppp.. wait I wonder if I'm a s or m (LMAO I CAME BACK AFTER GOING AWAY AND READ THAT AS ASORM), 31 HAHA LOOK AWAY LOOK AWAY I NEED NADRICKA HONESTLY, 32 BYE HIS TENT WAS UP AND NOW SHES STALKING THE HUNK, 33 okay well the stalking went pretty much nowhere BUT HEY NADRICKA YAYYY also lol the cat face at the end, oh.. i forgot i wrote stuff here lol. rereading bc this keeps updating from time to time, 34 NADRICKAAA AAAAAA, 35 *casually drops from balcony* *casually catches her*, nadricka i love you babes but how the fuck did you get down so fast did you jump down a balcony too or what, 36 HELP THE END WITH THE ALTERNATE UNIVERSE, 15 DOING WHAT ON A HORSE IM DEAD. I KNEW THIS STORY WAS DERANGED BUT I FORGIT HOW CRAZY IT GOT, 25 "as you can see.." is fucking crazy, bruh im dead why is this comment so damn long. anyway 34 fmfnfnjgff nadrika, 39 THAT SNEAKY... HIS IQ IS TOO HIGH.. his eq is ermm anyway thats crazyyy, 42 LMFAOOO THE SUNGLASSES WHEN THEY TOUCHED THEIR CHINS, 57 damn she doesnt even remember her real name.. i feel bad, 61 bomb éclat knows wassup ahaha GET NADRICKA OUTTA THERE, 62 jesus christ whats even going on, 68 I MISSED U TOO NADRICKA I CRIED TOO TT_TT, 75 NADRICKA UR BEAUTIFUL. lmfao that girl is dead, BYE WHAT WAS THAT, 80 guguguh i wonder if she would allow herself to die, 83 SHE LOOKS SO GOOD WITH SHORT HAIR, 87 LMFAOO IJBOL (YO FR) WHEN I SAW ESTEN, 95 escat looks so tame compared to the first time we saw him.. defo his hair, 101 lia is so girlboss slay and that little bitch (sorry ns) is like a greedy thing picking up whatever scraps she can and ik shes treating this like a game cuz it IS a game but this is the real world girl its absolutely surpsiing u havent been beheaded yet, 105 it would be interesting if the og elvia came back, 113 nadricka... NADRICKA HAS POWERS, 115 I LIDOLLY UFCKING SAID THAT BRO
I Tamed My Ex-Husband's Mad Dog
ik ive read this b4... 3 hes so cute TT, 17 this is so fucking sad im fucking crying, 31 get off that child(he's 20), 35 the face of holding back a smile is so cute actually im gonna pee myself, 36 pause. do u think he also remembers his past life..? or life b4 time rewind??? idfk, 47 lolol hertz is a fun guy.. (i need him 2 snitch. ALSO I JUST SAW THAT THIS AUTHOR ALSO WROTE THE STORY ABOUT THAT CHICK DESIGNER YIPPEEE), 55 well wtf am i doing now, oh these ppl r insane. WHY IS EVERY ONE OF THESE THAT I READ KEEP HAVING SEX SCENES IM LEAVING BRUH, 59 jk idgaf hes forgiven WAHHHHH THATS SO SAD HIS BACKSTORY IS SO SAD HES SO FUCKING SAD EVEN IN HIS 2ND LIFE HE DIDNT EVEN KNOW HOW TO SPEAK THATS SO SAD, 60 THATS WHY HE DID EVERYTHING I UNDERSTAND IT NOE OH MY GOD WAHHHH WAHHHH WAHHHHH IM CRYING MORE THAN HE EVER DID BECAUSE HE DOESNT EVEN KNOW HOW SAD HIS STORY IS THEY ARE SO SAD IM SO SAD HE DESERVES TO BE LOVED THOSE FUCKERS DESERVED TO DIE, 63 :P heheeee new conflict that is what i live for , 68 yo thats freaky, 69 DIETRICH STOP PLAYING LMFAOOO WE BOTH KNOW U SAID THAT ON PURPOSE WHEN U HAVE UR OWN GIRL, 72 SIGHHHHHHH although not predictable as soon as i saw dietrich again i could see the dark turn this would take. didnt think it would take em FOUR YEARS but wtv. I CANT BELIEVE THAT HE LET DIETRICH DIE LIKE ..??? AND THEN CRIED ABOUT IT.... LIKE YO... BRO IM GONE (im reading until there are no more chapters to read. I NEED FLUFF AFTER THIS.), 76 i am losing my mind IM GOING FUCKING INSANE ARE U KIDDING ME BRO ALL THIS CLIMAX WHERE IS THE FALLING ACTION, 82 dat kid dont know how 2 read da room bruh... im dead
For My Abandoned Love
3 YALL SHE FR RAMMED INTO HIM, 20 GYATTT, 28 GYAT, 36 GRAHHHH THE DRAWINGS AT THE END ARE SO FUCKING CUTE!!!@! HIM PAINTING IS SO COOL, 40 LMAOO THE BABY CHICKSS CUTEE, 55.5 gyattt i love qnas, oh wow i literally had the exact same reaction as last time i was going to reiterate "gyat" but.. 20 hes so pretty and he keeps smiling n laughing, 61 hes is so right tho like she literally critisized diana earlier like girl she probably brewed it herself lmfaoo no one can fuck up tea as badly as that.. like there are probably millions of tea shops from all over the world there are probably half as many shops that would be better than that are more than half would be commoner shops like are you suggesting just because you're a commoner you need to suffer? instead of raising up the people she is literally putting them down, 63 YALL THE END ART IS SO CUTE CAEL AS A DEER FITS HIM SM, 65 yall honestly.. its so cute how cael just uses whatever money for hes bc even tho she already lived her life she still dont really know much about how the value and what is a lot compared to korea, 67 if you give me a reason to cry I'll take it, 69 bro said "shall we?" like it was no big deal lmfapp, 71 dumb fucking bitch ik u were blinded by love but even i look at pros and cons of a relationship let alone getting fucking married and diana is bold in all the wrong ways, 79 i wouldve loved to see a chocolate fountain... damn.. next time we'll get em, 80 him raving about hestia is so cure
Your Eternal Lies
11 witches cant lie. its the cost of their magic. (realized that on beat to "I Want You" by mitski) also im reading this on to support the group lol, LMDAOOO SHUT UP BITCH SHES NOT A FUCKING WITCH DUMBASS. anyway 12 i got chills >_< teehee!, 13 STOP BC THE NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS WERE ALREADY INTERESTSTING ENOUGH like the immersion is crazy BUT THEN HIS ENTIRE STORY??? like he may be stone faced on the surface but he fr has felt the guilt of having to choose which city to save and that is so devastating and literally "whose sins are more grave" like literal chills, 19 Jesus christ, 48 i feel so happy i suspect it might go down, 51 jeus schrozf i just got msjor deju vu btw is it just me because kf the familiar art style byt im getting major what it means to be you vibes idfk, 54 yall the ptsd aint gonna like those fireworks, 67 jeuss christ JESUS FUCJING CHRIST OH YM GOD how many times have i called for the lords name with no answer. ok calm down brah THERES SI MUCH HAPPENING, 75.2 LYLA IS SO CUTE. bro i cant ebleiev this is completed I NEED MORE. LIKE 100 MORE CH, AAAAHHHHH ITS FINISHED IM DONE IM DEAD WHAT HAVE U DONE TO ME
Moonlight Library
omfg i heard its soon to be a manwha but im gonna read the novel aswell, nvm i cant quite find it, 11 hes so cute, 13 BRO IS FUCKING MAJESTIC??, ig we just gonna ignore the first chapter, 15 that witch is sooo fine, 25 ITS OVER FOR ME IF THIS DOESN'T LOAD, 30 hes like a dog in heat, 35 well!!@! im not a cop!! im a bit sad she didnt visit the library though aw man, 41 JESUS. CHRIST. oh my lord ohhh em gee HELP dude it wasnt even that intense but at the same time it felt intense.... also LOL that girl at the end is so fucking me, 34 the way the author draws lips.. aughh, 46 gyattatt hes so fine
A Way To Protect The Lovable You
AAAAAAAAQAAQAQQAA YESSSS CHAPTER 11 HELL YEAH FUCK JDNSOSB YES HES, 11 OO DAMNNNN YALL GET IT BUT ESPECIALLY NOELLEEE, HELL YEAH 12 WAS POSTED ALONG W 13 (I'll just read a lil of 13), 13 oh Noelle is a good person woopsie daisie ig, uh- Noelle needs to chill a bit bro, 14 pls tell me sir knight is a detective and undigs the remains, sheesh, 15 AYYYY HE IS A DETECTIVE, 16 (I only read halfway I swear) dw bro you thinking bout the same person lol, 17 WOOOOOOO IM SO EXCITED FOR THE WEDDING THANK YOU LATTEGRATTE, 20 bruh that fucking piece of shit rlly boutta drop Noelle for some bitch like bruh Noelle too good for him but anyway 21 BRUH MISS GIRLIE WHAT ARE YOU EVEN SAYING BYEEEE IM LEAVING THAT TO FUTURE ME HELL NAH, huh. OH. LMAO I FORGOT FOR A SEC. imma read cuz im bored and have to poop, meh. I mean it's pretty sweet (not as good as aria an-) but anyway yo bro somethings up w ur mom, 26 who is this god kid, 29 POOR GIRLIE IS SCARED, 31 who in the FUCK is this "tuna" wtf, also theykeep calling her "the Concubine" i-, 33 why cant men fuck off. (and women; especially that fucking "saint"), 35 cryin rn ugh they rlly were made for each other, 36 VANESSA UR THE MOST HANDSOME IN MY EYES, OKAY FIRST OF ALL 37 LMAO I WAS WONDERING WHY VANESSA'S NAME WAS THAT AND THOUGHT MAYBE HE WAS TRANS BUT IT WAS JUST HIS SISTER AND ALSO 38 IT SAID BERNESSA????, when i came here panicked then calmed down when i saw more chapters updated... i realized how far i came. how THIS came. i read it from manganelo to mangago. i even watched a youtube video to read it. now its the end of season 1 like- im so proud, 40 i literaly gonna punch anyone who badmouths her and esp those who watch from the sidelines like dont u give ur friend that fucking sideglance help her the fuck out bro im for real about to beat yo ass, why am i just fucking realizing that yjh and kdj are at the end of every chapter lmaoo, 45 arwin laughing makes me smile, 48 ur gonna make me cru fs (if bernessa wasnt that damn bow then maybe lmaoo), 6 she slayed tbh, 8 they make me happy. 11 "i cant live without you" then forced to kill her makes me so sad, 16 him imagining inviting her is so funny like aint nobody gave him a portrait??, 72 HELLO. SOTP MAKING ME FEEL THIS WAY I HATE BINGING, 73 i love noelle sm, 69 his first wing is a cutie patootie ( obviously i man Noelle but hubba hubba), 70 im crying, 72 IM HURTING PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY IT HURTS IM CRYING, 79 awww behimos looks so cute!!! ALSO SHES GONNA READ THE LETTER TO HER IM GONNA CRY AGAIN, 81 JOSEPHINA HAS A SON?????? WHO THE FUCK MANS IS PULLING HER WTF HE LOOKS THE SAME AS HIS SISTERR, 84 GYATTTTTT CALISTO IS SOOOO FINEE, 89 guys am i crazy i have literally read this chapter but i have no recollection of any of the past 80s chapters i read.... maybe it was an uploading mistake woops!, OKAY NO. the official translation and the group one is different.. obviously, 92 HELP MEEEEE MAMA AND PAPA..... erm.... ANYWAY HELP HOW DID WE JUST GLAZE OVER THAT IM DEADDDD HE HAD TO CLEAN UP THE MESS LMAOOOO BRO, 94 NOELLE QUIT PLAYING LMAOO stop this girl from tryna plot an assassination againt ditrian LOLOLOL, 97 her brother is so preppy!!!! ALSO i literally realized kalias would be the 5th wing again with leticia >_< cute!, 64 i cried, 70 crying again why is this story making me so sad, 100 nvm the brother sucks ass ^^, 104 omg its been so long since ive seen ditrian lolol... alsp grt your hands off the princess mf, 114 dayna... ok its fine ;-; WHY TF DOES HE HAVE HIS SOUL HELLO..??, 116 im literally crying too the wings must be having a field day w this one..., 120 what did he do.... WHAT THE FUCK. YOU CANT JUST GIVE ME "its so peaceful *barnes thrown around*" THEN END WITH "i cried for hours"????? NOT TO MENTION THOSE DAMN PRINCES. DID YOU PUT JULIUS' SOUL IN THE BIRD LEHR?, erm he did. neyway 124 im gonna cry they all saw her off and bon voyage and she thought abt everything and there was the final boss, 128 i hate this, 129 i cried so bad my eyes are puffy, HELP ME THE ROASTED PIG IN THE AFTERWORD
Umi de Hirotta Kimi ni Sasagu