My Favorite Glasses Holder
Achkkk so cuteeee!!! Yall must read thiss
Kirei ni Shiteyo
Wow its really cool how they can relate to each other and helped each other to change and have a brighter point of view......I love them so muchh!! Very Wholesome Manga!!!
Yakimochi wa Kitsuneiro
Well i only have one concern the fox is still in his body, its kinda concerning though....But i love the story overall, Akiha is so so cute and adorable...
Welcome to the Yaoi Research Club
The 3p that i approved and liked so much!! I enjoyed reading it and im very honored to read something like this in my life!
Ore no Pants ga Hitojichi ni Torarete Imasu
The hard thing is his being blackmailed but it seems like his enjoying it? Well the flow is good and the seme redemed himself in the end for being sweet
High School Lala Love
Awww i can totally relate to Hinata, not being good at grades and sports can make your confidence hit the core of the earth.....The Ending is way to pure and wholesome and romantic! Im very happy i got to read somethinv like this, specially hinata is damn cute and adorable having those fantasies and thoughts..
Hatsukoi Encounter
Its common and kinda cliche but i enjoyed it because of the artstyle and hot scenes heheheh.
Dress Him Up