Rent Boy
roller coaster emotion while reading this...Theres no one above everything whether Rich or Poor people have different problems....Its just sad how other people Judge someone....But all in all i really enjoyed and Im satisfied with the story....
Candy Man
Imagine if this is a Yaoi HUHUHUHUHU......But nonetheless reading this until the end made my day....I need to release stress so yeahh...Just Hoping that there will be some side stories....Love this 10/10
Sweet Trap
Hell thats so freaking Gooddd...What a plot twist Hahahaha
Arghhhhh I love the both of themm......
Heesu in Class 2
This is so cute and speechless...i enjoyed reading everything its just sad that its already done...10/10 love this so much
Ookami-kun wa kowakunai
Omgg This is so freaking adorable...My heart and stomach is full of butterflies....I really like how the story go....Love it so so much 10/10
Thoroughbred wa nabikanai
Im speachless but 10/10
Sugar Dog Life
I can die peacefully now This manga healed my heart, body and soul
Tale of the Yellow Dragon