Ookami-kun wa kowakunai
Omgg This is so freaking adorable...My heart and stomach is full of butterflies....I really like how the story go....Love it so so much 10/10
Thoroughbred wa nabikanai
Im speachless but 10/10
Tsukiyo wa ecchi na okubyou ookami
I wish the story is longer.....The authors seems to like supernatural stuff
Playboy Beast
This is a freaking good manga......Shit gonna buy some on renta.....I recommend this masterpiece asf 10/10
Kuro Neko wa Ookami Ouji-sama no Yume o Miru ka
I cried Aoi is the cutest thing
Omega Shunki
Woah this is the first Animal Characteristic and omegaverse in one manga.....Very interesting and Its a good read
Yakimochi wa Kitsuneiro
Well i only have one concern the fox is still in his body, its kinda concerning though....But i love the story overall, Akiha is so so cute and adorable...
Kedamono Arashi - Kiss Me Baby! -
The way shouta sulk and ignored his father is so cuteeee.....The last story is also good
Musebinake, Junjou