Main story c.1-4 was soooo much aaaah~ Nishiguchi was a total walking green flag. It's nice. They keep on asking consent, being idealistic yet staying checked in with the reality. When the other person was hurt or in pain, we should try to understand them, tell them how much we care for them, how much they mean to us... That no matter what they are or they have become, we can accept then wholly... everything about them. I like their dynamics a lot. That when one is lacking, the other one will fill it and vise versa. That's love. And that's totally pure. With insecurities and flaws, joint with understanding and acceptance... Their love blossomed and flourished even more. Gosh, a love like this...please. artstyle a plus ️ the phasing was totally we easy to get on, like you'll never get lost. And their development was so cute. I think the mangaka conveyed the thoughts so fine. I like this a lot. Cute, fun, sexy.
Himono, Tokodoki, Shanairen'ai