Murderer Llewellyn's enchanting dinner invitation
i cant move. The story is incredible, the romance is incredible, the action is incredible, the drama, suspense, everything i loved it so much. I absolutely loved the story from the beginning to the end it was so good i’m telling you right now llewellyn is my baby i’m so glad they got their happy ending i would’ve never seen tom if it didn’t happen (jk). I also like how the story is set in a fictional world, though the world building, like history and stuff, isn’t fully touched up on i don’t think it was necessary. Usually i would prefer the world building to be as good as the romance but i really enjoyed it. I think the story was incredibly written and the original author of the novel needs to be rewarded for the great masterpiece they wrote. The main characters felt real, I loved shavonne and llewellyn so much it’s incredible how much their backstory was hinted in the beginning. It’s just little sneaky bits that all come together at the end. I kinda wish we got a little side chapter of just them doing whatever shenanigans they got going on. Also, i did like that the smut wasn’t shown cause i don’t think it was really important to the plot and it would’ve thrown me off a bit. THOUGH IT IS WELCOMED
When the Killer Falls in Love