Daytime Star
really, really good. A solid story. So wholesome. A couple of drama here and there but really this story is so healing. i really liked the way the handled some things. Especially their little fights and all. Also the ex got what he deserved. I seriously got creeped out by him. And the artstyle is amazinggg. I loved how much it developed and how the characters developed. So good 10/10
Guiding Hazard
very nice story i’m loving the way it’s heading so far we just need that bitch to die and we’re all good hehehe. I really love eunsungs character i think he’s perfect for taegun. I hope to see their backstory together soon! and more backstory etc. but this story is really nicely developed i love their dynamic, chemistry, and progression so far. Seems so genuine and romant i love it omg
Don't Mess With the Puppy!
really really cute, one of the other instances where height difference is a plus to me, this is so unbelievably cute i darn nearly saved every panel of heeseong as a puppy and their interactions are just so cute!!. The male lead really cares for him it’s so cute i can’t wait for the next chapter!!! edit; i did not know this was mpreg….
Tiger and Tiger Gourd
serious good plot but way too short
omw to read the raws
insanely good, i cried and i usually don’t. I loved their romance progression it felt so raw. Also that one scene with the drugs and the elderly people shocked me so much i’ll never get over this. Both the plot, smex scenes and romance are good. I absolutely loved their development. i can see why so many people like this story.
Darlin', Iikagen ni Shiya Gare
read long time ago, it was cute from what i remember
Rakka Ryuusui no Hoshi
read a long time ago, from what i remember the dynamic felt sweet at the end, the love interest is very complex some ppl might not like it cause he sleeps around but it’s just an unhealthy coping mech. I love how this author tackles this archetype, i also love how they end up together (from what i remember)
Our Sunny Days