Sweet Trap
Yessss you got yo man yesssss fuck the girl and date him i want them to be switch I LOVE THIS STIRY WHO CARES WHOS TOP OR BOTTOM WHO CARES I LOVE THIS STORY and girl he is gay sorry he taken
Story of Our Lives
This story is so sad i cried so much reading this i can't stop cry i feel so bad for him i feel so bad i cant stop cry pls help me this was a beautiful and a sad story
Falling (Yun) Webtoon
I feel bad for the black hari one cuz he is acting like this cuz of his ex i feel do bad for him. I feel vad for my wolf i feel bad for him too cuz of tge black hair guy cuz he is doing it to him cuz he is sad and mad and trying to get his ec out off his head cuz his ex traumatized him i feel so bad for these two
All About Lust
So cute they are so cute together i love this story and boy he is hot
Sit, Wait, Kiss Me
Aww cute story I like it and ooo the top is hot I love this story it makes me laugh and brah the old man I love he was a princess. I love how the bland hair one (that use to be a dog) I love he gets jealous and this story is kind of sad tho but I love it. I need an update
Mayday mayday mayday!
Hate all of them but not the brown hair and the mafia guy and the blonde hair and the mafia workers the blond one I like all those 4 people in the story but I love the mafia hot one the most
Monthly Chest
Funny cute and hot men's I love it I love this story I would re-read thisss
Vitamin C Vitamin D
Love this story it's so good