Dawn of the Dragon
22 "Marinette? Shes just a friend 23 sropppbthats so cuteeeee 24 right but riddle me this, y does it get worse when he leaves 25 I can't not feel sorry for our little dragon ok!! I just. Why would you leave?! 26 HES CRYINGGGG YOU SERIOUSLY CANT LEAVE NOWWW 32 I. Knew it 34 that is far too saddening 45 boom destroyed him god 48 someone kill the king bro. O my days, I'm actually seething fucking prick I hope he gets his flesh ripped off and he remains conscious for the whole experience. I hope his body is then covered in lemon slices and salt and chilli flakes. I hope he screams until his voice becomes too hoarse to make any understandable words. I hope he dies miserably. 50 YESSSSS DRAGONNNNNN WOOOOOOOOO 51 ok don't give him a tragic backstop wtf man 52 ohh they are totally going to die tmr. Like its perfect angsty shit, like bro going to get married a simple affair sure by the lake while his weird creepy incestuous brother chases after him and he IN3VITABLY dies being mortal and all. Making him die tmr would be a perfect close to the flashback arc, all he needs to do is burn everything after his beloved dies and there lerfect 54 omfg,, right in front of him too... thats actually vile kill the eunuch right NOW OMG THE DRAGON BETRER RAZE EVERYTHING TO HELL 55 not an entire chapter dedicated to his death 56 FINALLL6 HE REMEMBERED IT ALL 57 go with the crying child 58 ew not amnesia 59 LMFAO??? 62 oh gurll
Megumi and Tsugumi