Two Empires, The Slave Of The Empire
It was good but then it was mediocre. This story had such potential but it was unfortunately rushed.
Hidden Hearts
If I could take back the time I spent reading this, I would. Nothing bad, but it felt rushed and there was really nothing that kept me interested apart from wanting to finish it :/
Ayashi no Hakoniwa ni Ukabu Tsuki
Enjoyable read. No annoying characters or unnecessary drama! Wish it was a little longer though:(
Jazz for two
I was interested in the beginning, the pace of it was nice and I’m glad they didn’t rush into anything. Chapter 20-40 were a bit of filler chapters, which made me want to drop it, but I’m so glad I didn’t. The way this made me sob at the end. It’s a bittersweet ending but everything about it was good. I’m glad I finally read this. <3
Exclusive No-Love Zone
I liked the first story, my favorite character was Gido but I wish he got a happy ending!!!!! but then second story pmo. What do you mean you’re giving him a second chance ???????????? Girl he would’ve been lucky that I only set his house on fire >:( No excuses for a poor excuse of a man.
Not My Blood