Asahi, the Cheeky Crossdresser
Hard to read because one of the guy looks like a girl and I dont like straight stuff so chile anyways so
Angel x Demon
it was kinda confusing what the story was but it was still cute :3 (also please don't tell me im the only girl reading this)
BJ alex
i finished it in less the 24 hours and JESUS WHAT A ROLLER COSTER. i started this at like, 8 or 9 last night and i just finished it at 6pm (i started to read it this morning at 11) i cried at the wholesome parts and its just....mwa! my compliments to the cheif! i love it so much and im going to cry because i just finished it. but the character development is just AMAZINGGGGG 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10 one of my favorites.
Love Is An Illusion
at the beginning i had to stop reading and take breaks or else i would get a mental breakdown from the sadness. but then it turned cute sooooo its a win win. i loved this and whoever reccomended me this, i was coming for their kneecaps but i luved this so no need to break their ankles <3 ALSO BYUL IS SO CUTE BUT HOW TF DO YOU PRONOUNCE IT THO
DistopiA ~Mikansei na Sekai~
Oh wow I finished it...
Pleasure Principle