Love Sick Dog
This was such a wonderful read. I love how complex the main characters' perspectives are. Even Jooyung, (I still can't forgive him), the main antagonist of the series, had an interesting way of telling us his pov regarding his upbringing and how it influenced his behavior in the present. Jooin and Ye-gyeom must be protected. ♡ They're too selfless and kind to the point it becomes a flaw and liability. I'm beyond in awe how they forgave and still respect Jooyung despite what he'd done. Seeing their struggles both as a person and a romantic partner was such torture. They just want to properly love and be loved in return. I love them so much. Their happiness is everything.
I love everything about this story. Joobin and Yikyung are so wonderful both individually and together. They create such beautiful harmony of colors that leaves us in awe. I just love how they navigate throughout their relationship. Yikyung is such a green forest (and an unstoppable beast during s*x lmao). I admire how he immediately deals with conflicts on their relationship so it won't cause bigger problems later on. Same with Joobin. He's very much observant with Yikyung's mood. They're just perfect for each other. Also, what amazed me the most is Joobin's growth from his painful past. Seeing him slowly healing himself from his scars is so beautiful and Yikyung's just there, steadily supporting him. Everything is perfect. The art, plot, and characters are chef's kiss. ♡ Also the smut is just lol I can't even with how thirsty they are for eo. I love them so much.
Go Out with Me, Too!
Ah yes another short and sweet story. ㅠ.ㅠ Juyeong is such a simp to the point of being a stalker lol. It's cute how much he loves our pookie Hyun tho. Ugh I want more they're just so adorable.
Cherry Doll Scandal