Sou Seme Bijin to Doutei Youkya -Toshoshitsu de Kizu wo Nameaou-
It definitely didn’t enjoy reading, for many reasons the seme was a huge dick to the uke that I’m surprised he even fell for the seme . I swear uke’s be so stupid. Anyways you would think he has some huge character development but he doesn’t now I don’t know if this is completed I’m guessing it is since it hasn’t uploaded a new chapter since months, but even till the end I didn’t get any wholesome shit from the two of them. Not once was I like omg they are cute :3. Because there wasn’t any moments like that sure at the end he admits his feelings for the uke, oh wait turns out he doesn’t even do that. I mean you already know they end up together but why does he have to be that way till the very end. Idk something about the seme’s personality made me hate them being together. This plot is trash too like they never go into detail as to why he acts this way, and the ending is even worse. Again it’s just not that good. It was overall ok. The only thing I liked about it was that it had one of my “kinks” I guess you could call it. Well no putting it like that I don’t like it but i don’t know how else to describe it. Ok so ig I could say it had one of my favorite preferences. Bruh idk but it has small uke and big top. Although it’s not so dramatic you could tell from the uke being taller. Anyways that was about it even then I didn’t necessarily enjoy the smut.
Nyotaika Yankee Gakuen ☆ Ore no Hajimete, Nerawaretemasu.
Dropped. This was amazing well in the beginning. Like a genderbender that had such a good plot but it’s dragged on for so long and I’m dropping. Plus hasn’t updated in a while and I’m tired. Like this is just a straight manga at this point why even label it yaoi. -_- anyways really disappointed but I did like it a lot at point so I don’t exactly hate it. Ending was shit u telling me he remains a girl u fucking serious rn
Sonna ni Iu Nara Daiteyaru