Hyung, you're my idol!
Soooooo cute. Ok I don’t wanna spend too much time writing this because I just don’t feel like it. But wow this is definitely one of my top 10 yaois of my lifetime. It has 107 chapters and I only took like 4 hours or maybe less (I wasn’t keeping count) to finish this because it was just that good. Like wow I’m seriously in love with Hamin and Ryeojoon, especially him because how can this uke be so gosh darn adorable. Obviously by looking at the cover I knew hamin was gonna be end game, and turns out it’s not really a love triangle situation. (Although there is some competition/jealousy involved). Also I absolutely adored the side ships this time. So well written that each couple had their own sort of chemistry that just tore my heart into shreds. I’m so jealous I want Sunha ( I think that’s her name) and CEO unnie’s relationship. They’re top tier honestly lol. I loved the drama and it was super interning I never got bored of this. Genuinely I was surprised I wasn’t tired of this like I still want more however really satisfied with this ending. Haryeo for life ;)… also DoWoo for life as well. I was so excited when Dohyun turned out to be a top, like yasss totally knew it. Honestly I don’t know what else to say this book was perfect and barely any smut. There was some juicy tiddy scenes tho ( DoWoo) which was so nice. But not that many Haryeo smut or spicy scenes which was unfortunate but oh well. Fluff scenes suit them better. This one will be my favorite for a while until I find something that comes close lol. Anyways lovedddddd it and would definitely reread.
Lack of Love