Raising a child and falling in love
Plot is adorably cute, I wish we were able to see Jun and Jihwoo establish their relationship more. It’s a shonen ai, so I wasn’t expecting anything more than fluff. But I get that they are raising a baby together so there isn’t much time for that unlike off her BL that doesn’t include children. Super cute story, not a fan of the art style, but idc, I can’t wait for season 3!
Restless Webtoon
Love the different approach to the omega universe. I do kinda feel though that maybe if the alpha didn’t get mistaken as an omega growing up how different he could have turned out towards omegas (like not caring as much as he does now since he went through what an omega would go through in terms of bullying)
Alien In My Closet
Sooo cute! I love that their somewhat of a love triangle without it being a basic messy love triangle. I love the concept too, the plot is not overly complicated and it’s refreshing too seeing how it’s about an alien rather than a vampire or beast creature.
Minegishi-san wants Otsu-kun to eat!