Hentai Shinshi to Kisekae Dansho
Omgeee this is a gem a masterpiece just like the ukes thigs an ass un and wholesome ando fucking cuteee must rerrf
Deri Pocha - Yajuu no H na Gohan
I know its cute and all but did anyone notice thats SA? Wahahaha seme really yeeted the word consnt in the window but anywayss its cute that the uke didnt continue his diet cuz i think the plot fat became skinny is overused and kinda sad cuz i knoe its healthy to loose weight but its just sad that u didnt got to love or accept who u are today being beautiful dont define jr size nor ur weight its what u project that why i liked what the seme said that he also loved him becauz of his inside not just his appearance so yah despite the SA theres still a good thing about this manga
Pavlov's Lover