Worddds cant explain how much i lovee thiss
Itss just soo realistic i love how the medical things that are in the story is veryy realistic the author did a great job!!
I love the couples dynamicc ughhh this manga making me feel thingss love it soo muchh
Everycharacter is likeble and lovable well except for sue... Really love crystal, the minthair gurl love the way she stood up for mel and became the witness and protected mel and lynn
Alsooo love crystal and mels frendship solidd and crystals also hot so hehehehehe
And ofcoursee my fave renny supremacy love that guy cmon he deserve all the rest he needs like if the mcs are stressed hes double stress imagine the worry the power and the burden hes caryying cuz his sister is battling from a heart disease bruh didnt got the time to find a lovelife and a life of gis own man deserve a happy ending!!!
Over all love it so much one of the first long GLS ive read️
Pulse (ratana Satis)