this was such a beautiful story and the trauma that both characters had to deal with were given justice (?) it's absolutely frustrating that the perpetrator got out on parole after the shit he's done while arima continues to struggle. and it's unsettling (?) that taiga didn't get to know that his father didn't betray him during that day because he was after all doing what a good citizen should do. my point is, the way things played out for both characters weren't smoothen out. if anything it's left out kinda open ended but it doesn't mean that they can't heal from it.
it's such a beautiful story with equally beautiful main characters and even the supporting characters were divine~ and i wouldn't change a thing about this for sure
I agree 100%to this comment i love this manga with my whole heart reread this and first time making a review or saying my insight maybe tomorrow ill smoothen my review on my laptop since i cant rlly typ ewell here in my cp newayss
This manga will always have a place in my heart all the characters the plot the setting everything was so written well i love this so much
The way the topic is so realistic it hurts í just wanna say taiga is one kind of person u rllyy wanna be friends with her perceptions and belief is just wow i liked what he stood for like a prideful king and hero considerate and kind but above all he knows his faults and know how to right them which is pretty unique in mangas.... Ill continue this
Tomoroow my hands are in pain
Boy Meets Maria