Nise x Koi Boyfriend
Now that ive reread this the only good thing here is the artsyle tbh Brooooo ang weird nung 1st story especially ung mga frends ng seme kabanas pramis ang awkward n siguro nun sana ung dalwang magkaibigan nlng pinair. Tas ung iba den story kabanas wahahahaha
Koishite kissshite kanjaitai
guurrrll reread diss dis is soo goodd and cutte ughhhh 2024 na and ughh wala pren akong ganto.... Lorddd anak nyo fen nmn akooo
Goshujinsama toke dama
thiss is soo freaking cuteee must rereadd kedama is so precious and fluffy and the best boii he rlly reminds me of razor i luv him and his dedication to his master isss ughhh i love themmm 10/10
Sore wa Tabetewa Ikemasen
multiple storiesss?vampires?loving seme?beautiful seme?dis author? ughhhh masterpiece dont be fooled bt the ratings diss are soo goodd
Kino to Yano
i lovee dissss di pinalala misunderstanding healthy relationshipp yassss
Hetakuso Love Step
ughhh kotaachan iss soso cuteeeee i wuv him so musss
Aoi haru,akaiito
wooww dats wass soo gooddd i feel sorry for the ukee hes been through so much im happy now that he finally found hes freedom and happiness with the seme
Ato Hitoiki De Ai