In This Life, I Will Raise You Well, Your Majesty!
Ch. 57 good empress and good mother yes very good I approve more please thank
Finding Camellia
Ch. 65 second ml syndrome is strong in this one, I actually don't even like the ml at all, he's just plain creepy
Yamada-kun to Lv999 no Koi wo Suru
Ch. 92 omg it's perfection, it's right up my alley and super cute and everyone is hot too because of course they are
Love Tractor
This is so cute, I love it, plus music, literally so wholesome, warm fuzzies all around, perfect for cuddling up on a chilly day ️️️️
The Heat of the Reincarnated Villainess
Ch. 68 they're all wackjobs
Who Can Define Popularity?
Fuck, I love this, every single character is so fucking compelling and the storytelling is perfect and the plot is interesting and the art is beautiful and I can't find a single fucking flaw in this masterpiece, I'm sad because it's over but all the resolutions are so satisfying that I can't even be mad ️️️️
Perfect Buddy
Ch 92, everything's wrapping up (make sure you keep up with it it should be done in the next couple chapters) I was right wahh
Let's Separate Public and Private