Kyou Kara Omega ni Narimashita
Where the babies???? Oh btw, i need story of beta sensei x omega glasses
Yukemuri Journey
naoto x kou it's ending at kou's dad found them cumming kkk i though it's not end yet hehehe there have multiple stories but the other stories is oneshot story and i not read it yet
Love Is An Illusion
finally can see hyesung say love you to doujin and what with the ending lol are they will have adiknya byul wkwk
Caste Heaven
OMG OMG OMG CHAP 23 STIL THE FLUFF CHAP they make out on futon (that azusa feel they like couple eventhough they just king and target and when karino say just do and forget that thing that time) azusa hold karino's point finger SOOOUW UWU T_T and then when they back azusa laughing because karino not cool expression that guide karino for want kiss azusa with the reason harrasement bacause if not azusa don't want or we will say he shy But i like their realtionship in the rest chap afyer that.these two going soft to each other The last chap azusa as target force to play game by eno if he can going to heaven he can change caste but if go to hell he'll got punished.and before azusa go karino hold his wrist and tell to call him if bad happened to azusa . This eno guy looks so dangerous And WAIT FOR NEXT CHAPTER PLEASE UPDATE SOON TT__TT
Karasugaoka Don't be shy!! 2
They are still the cutest coupleee oah shinba give izuhara ring as bday gift They finally have a sex ^•^/ omg i need kuzexhotori side story they look cute together tho
Eyes speak more love than the mouth
the another cutest manga >///< cute banget gila (bodo amat pake b.indo, gua) ya ampun ucul banget ini kopel, tsukada soutaro x fujino ya walopun plotnya familiar ya tetap aja fresh banget ini manga >< kaporit pokonya
Almost Love
but, it's getting boring
Puppy Love (Eumnya)
Happy end, they are just lack communication and they're match for the interest in sex. Puppy love being sexual harassed and yeonwoo love to sexually harassment lol
Shiba-kun to Shepherd-san dj: Hug! Hug!