Dare demo Iikara Daitekukre Uke ni bakari Moteru Bijin Fukukaichou-sama no Junan
Why Are You So Kind To Everyone Except Me?
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Ch6: I’m so used to bl without consent that I didn’t feel bad for the uke but somehow felt bad for the seme waiting for him
Don't Mix Business with Pleasure!
The development of both characters is good, I like how we didn’t get a single smut scene up until now (ch19) shows that this actually has a story Ch24-25: The smut is so good??? the consent??? the bottom not being like "ugh stop" but saying stuff like "more"????? the respectful top??????? Ch26: WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO SAY GOOD MORNJNG TO HIM?? HAVE YOU BEEN FANTASIZING ABOUT WAKING UP BY HIS SIDE, HUH??? AAAA THEYRE SO CUTE AND GOOD TOGETHER Ch51: LMAOO this entire chapter was so wholesome, him barging in just to brush his teeth- cuute! Oh and the smut????? Darn, first time getting his ass eaten
Takara-kun to Amagi-kun
I don’t understand this at all
A Second Goodbye to You.