(Co-workers/Office Relationships)
Hatano is confindent good looking and popular with the ladies on and off work one day his co-worker Honjou the the complete opposite of Hatano he's withdrawn sloppy and scruffy most people try to avoid. Honjou asked if Hatano if could teach him to be better with the ladies Hatano reluctantly agrees the weekend make-over begins Hatano takes Honjou clothes shopping gets rid of the geeky glasses with contacts and finishes the day leaving him for a hair-cut since he has plans. The following day Hatano goes to pick-up Honjou but,when he sees the new Honjou he's amazed now a work the women are flocking around he's changed he's well dressed tall handsome Totally opposite as before why does Hanato seem a bit annoyed.. Now that Honjou has a date the second half of the lessons begin what to do with the woman from the date and after the date such as kissing so Hanato teasingly Kisses Honjou but,does that kiss seemed to effect both of them though Honjou more then Hanato.. Hanato's date stands him up he goes to check on Honjou seeing the gril run out they talk about what happen Honjou confesses Hanato that he's not attracted to women he like Hanato,so Hanato agrees to sleep with Honjou so ensues their relationship Honjou is happy but, it seems that it means more to him then to Hanato what's going to happen to the two when a third wheel appears
Ren'ai Shinan!