(Vampire) Cadis Etrama Di Raizel has awakened For 820 years he has slumbered with no knowledge of mankind's advancements and scientific achievements. The land which he once knew has become an unfamiliar place with new technologies,attitudes and lifestyles. While seeking to familiarize himself with this era, somehow locates a loyal servant of his Frankenstein, who is currently the principal of a South Korean high school.. Raizel ecides that this high school would be the perfect place to help him learn about the new world. He enrolls, and suddenly becomes the friend of Shinwoo, an immature teenager who is also a master martial artist and his friends unable to say (Cadis Etrama Di Raizel) full name they chose to call him Rai... But,this new world is no safer than the old and the dignified, bewildered, technologically illiterate Rai finds himself caught up in adventures both ridiculous and dangerous.
Koori No Mamono No Monogatari
(Action/Adventure&Humor) Deep in a cave lies The demon, Blood, waits for the human who will cry the purest tears to grant his wish for freedom.. One day Ishuca appears in the cave knowing that his weak heart will not last long, he has come to die. Ishuca was able to Blood escape the ice that had imprisoned him so begins their many adventures together opening their hearts <3 to living,laughter and happiness,sadness&tears...
Noblesse: Rai's Adventure
more adventures of Noblesse
Buddy System
(Detective's Romance) Eiji (Hiyama Kiichi) and Henry (Inu Haruomi) are two under-cover detectives Kiichi has been under-cover for two years before going under-cover they made a promise to reunite after the case ends.. The Kokuyo Club's drug dealing case to get close to Inu Eiji became his lover to get close him but seeing his parents engaging with a known criminal.. Haru (Henry) just got a call Kiichi (Eiji) to meet to exchange the drugs for money but has Eiji betrayed Haru has he turned his back on his partner and the police??
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