Otona No Koi No Hajimekata
oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. oh no. why oh why did you end there????
Itoshii, To Iu Koto
i'm so tired of forceful sex; give me the light and fluffy.
Do Do Do S-Kyuu Kareshi
Otodokemono Desu!
Man, I wanted more of the first couple.
Amai Sokubaku
i agree it's super cliche, but I really want to read more of it! It sucks being the middle child bc you always get compared to the oldest kid and then the youngest gets the baby treatment so you're like, what about me? I totally understand him. It stinks believing your whole life that no matter what you do you'll never be good enough, no matter how hard you try you won't be able to meet the expectations. So I'm super looking forward to updates. Anyways middle bro thinks little bro hates him. Of course it is not so! Good artwork. multiple warnings: stepbrother love; rape; cliche, possible love triangle? lol, i know there's a lot of cons, but idk, i just really liked it.