Tanssia's manga / #Love Triangle?(2)

Himekoi, Wakana-kun

Ongoing | ishiko | 2000 released
2017-02-01 00:39 marked

Is this shoujo? Shounen ai? idk, but I definitely want to find out.

Kuro Ookami to Gin Kitsune

Ongoing | Inose | 2000 released

What is this luck??? This is sooo good!!! At an animal school(gah, they're so cute with their ears!!!), there are wolves who like to hunt for pelts, and our mc(he's sooo cute!) happens to have a rare color that is often hunted for(he hides this); when a wolf and leopard find out, a strange friendship forms between the tree. The wolf and the mc are adorable together, especially that blush in the last chapter!!! Man, I wish it would update!!!! Gorgeous artwork!!!