HAHAHAHAHAHAH I LOVE THISSSS (HMM.. ALL OF HARADA-SENSEI'S WORK) ALL OF THUS IS JUST THE TYPE OF THE STORY I LOVEEE!! this is so twisted I LOVE IT!! Welp I've already read the hikirizu oto when I was in my 8th grade. But now that I've reread this for the nth time, it never gets boring. This is so much fun. I like the twisted way of the student in saying that he loves the blond haired guy I really enjoyed that. As well as the story in where there is this two twisted lovers and the student and teacher. AGHHHH GONNA REREAD THIS AGAINNN AND AGAAAIN!! LOVE IT BINGE READING HARADA-SENSEI'S WORK~
Kyoushitsu no Yugami
WOAAAAHHH!! WOAAAHH!! I DIDN'T KNOW THERE WAS A SEQUEL!! WOAAAHHHH I LOVE HOW TWISTED THIS IS!!! WOAAAAAHHH!! I HAVE NO WORDSSSS!! poor health committee boi HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I love this of course because it's fiction Lol. I'm gonna reread this if I wanna laugh at health committee representative boi~ definitely a reread material!! Thank you very much Harada-sensei~ I really really love dark and psychological plot that you make!!
OOOHHHHHHH!! I WANNA CRYYY!! :((( NOOOOO!! nad a little bit of yes coz after what he did to his friends just to get what he wanted.. in the end it broke him :((( he didn't get what he wants in the right way that is why he is somehow filled with anxiety :((( he did it the easy way to his friend's heart that is why there is no foundation :(( BUT I LOVED THIS STORY!! THIS IS DARK AND YET IT IS REASONABLE AND HAS A GOOD STORYLINE... so many happened in just one chapter... I wish it was longer.... NOW I AM GONNA STAN HARADA-SENSEI MOOOOREEE!! GONNA REREAD THISSSS
Nii-chan (harada)
WOAAAHH!! THIS IS SO CLOSE TO REALITY!! WOAAAHH!! I LOVE HOW HARADA-SENSEI DEPICTED TGIS IN SUCH A REALISTIC WAY... though I'm sad that this is what happens to those who were victims of those pedo :(( I wanna give them a hug so muuuch! I hope that someday yiu and kei can get rid of those thoughts attached to them.... though I am glad that they are both together now, and I hope they will last longer while living happily without those bad thoughts anymore :(( I WANNA THANK YOU HARADA-SENSEI FOR MAKING THIS STORY AND GIVING US KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE VICTIMS OF PEDOPHILIA... I am gonna read this again.. actually I am gonna reread all of harada-sensei's work AHHAHAHA... I hope that many people will like this story and not hate it.. because the whole storyline is close to reality.. I LOVED THIS!! HOPE THEY WILL LAST LONGER AND ABANDON THOSE THOUGHTS SOMEDAY
Gintama dj - Mienai Kusari
FOOCCCC I LOVED HOW THIS ENDED!! THOUGH I DOUBT GIN WILL DO THAT TO HIJIKATA AHAHAHAH. As I predicted... this would happen... I realized this in the title.. but I didn't expect that it would really happen!! I love this type of storyline. My stomach hurted so much when hijikata was imprisoned (though he is still but its invisible) I really loved this I WAS THINKING OF THROWING THIS CELLPHONE THAT I AM HOLDING BECAUSE I WAS FRUSTRATED AND ANGRY AAAAGGHHH!! BUUUT!! I want to thank haraa-sensei for making this wonderful story... I wanna cry this is sooo goood though I'm sad to hijikata and happy at the same time (I don't know why, maybe I became a sadist because I really adored harada-sensei's work... I had an awakening HAHAHAHHAHA though I know that I'm a little s) DEFINITELY A REREAD!! NOT FOR THE SMEXY SCENES BUT FOR THE AWESOME STORYLINEEE!! (Though I admit I really loved the sex scenes HAHAHA)
Gintama dj - Hanbunko
WHADAFOCC!! WHADAFOCC!! I FEEL BAD FOR GINTOKI BUT IF HE EVER CHOOSE ONE OF THE TWO I WOULD BE SAD TOO :(( so I think this is the best for the three of them... I wanna read this again when I can handle what is happening to them HAHAHAHAH.. BUT GONNA READ THIS AGAIN!!! AAGHHHHH!! AAAARIGATOOOUU HARADAAA-SENSEEEIII!! this is the only author that can pull off a psychological plot (atm)
Immoral Sex
GAHAHAHAHAHA THE SEME GOT WHAT HE DESERVEEESSS HAHAHAHAHA!! I CAN REALLY RELATE TO THE UKE BEING DEPRESSED :(( So lucky he didn't die when he is cutting his wrists... sooo lucky!! I love this revenge plan and all.. just wished the ike turned on the welding thingy HAHAHAHAHA that is why don't do on others what you don't want to do to you!! Also the uke should have said no from he start so that the seme wouldn't have his own way I hate the seme because he took advantage of the mental state of the ukeee AAAGHHH!! I loved this story though... gonna read this if I ever think that socmed is life BUT HARADA IS LIFEEEERRR!!