Gintama dj
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA THIS IS JUST FUNNY AND CUTEE!! I FEEL BAD FOR BABY HIJIKATA FOR GIVING GINTOKI A BLOWJOBBBB AAGHHH!! HE'S TOOO PRECIOUUUSSSSS!! the ending is soooo funny.... gintoki u deserve that 1 month ban and being broke after what you did to baby hijikata HAHAHAHA
Immoral Sex
GAHAHAHAHAHA THE SEME GOT WHAT HE DESERVEEESSS HAHAHAHAHA!! I CAN REALLY RELATE TO THE UKE BEING DEPRESSED :(( So lucky he didn't die when he is cutting his wrists... sooo lucky!! I love this revenge plan and all.. just wished the ike turned on the welding thingy HAHAHAHAHA that is why don't do on others what you don't want to do to you!! Also the uke should have said no from he start so that the seme wouldn't have his own way I hate the seme because he took advantage of the mental state of the ukeee AAAGHHH!! I loved this story though... gonna read this if I ever think that socmed is life BUT HARADA IS LIFEEEERRR!!
Hitomigoku Monogatari
Waaaahhhh!! The ending is so cute! And the plot is HSBDISXNAKHXKSGXJS I thought that the black demon will like toshi... and that there will be a fight or smthn... But it turns out it was all fluff and cuteness~ now that they are demons I hope they will at least jave a baby HHAHAHA so cute~ they will live a long life together
All About Lust
NOOOOO I DON'T WANT THIS TO ENDDD!! THIS IS SUCH A MASTERPIEEECEEEE!!! THE HCJSJEDBE PERFECT ART AND STORYLINE :((( I WANNA CRY... though I am shocked that tge ukes and seme are so opposite from what I'm used to... AND THAT IS WHAT I LOVE IN THE YAOI GENRE!!! the second season leaved a huge inoression in me, maybe because I love polar opposites couple HAHAHA and there are so many unexpected things... like, I thought there will be more angst and frustration about the two couples BUUT NOOOWWW AND I LOVE HOW IT PORTRAYED CUTE AND FLUFFY BUT AT THE SAME TIME INTERESTING AND A LITTLE BIT FRUSTRATING... FOR ME... MOSTLY IN THE SECOND SEASON HAHAHAHAHAA... I hope hyunho finds a better partner~ I want to understand JJ because I got curious about asexuality and I want to understand those kind of people more... I HOPE THAT SUNJIN&WOOSEUNG AND JAEHEE&BEOMCHUL WILL HAVE A LONG LASTING RELATIONSHIPPP!! Though I didn't expect that wooseung would be the bottom buuuut I kinda had a hunch just didn't listened to it HAHAHAHA I like how the author portrayed different kinds of love in this series... I saved the authors note, because it has detailes about the series that I haven't seen before... and also because the two of them are so funny... THIS IS REALLY A MASTERPIECE... REREAAAAAD!!
Ore no Sasara
Rosho and sasara is sooo handsome uh huh uh huh no lightsaber diccccuuusss uh huh I love it!! I wanna know the anime of this dj because the two of them is so handsome~
Dark Heaven
OMGGGGG!! TGIS IS THE TYPE OF EEBTOKN THAT I WANT!! POLITICS, SEX, TRAGEDY, SEX, MYSTERY, SEX, MUSIC, ANDDD SEXXX!! I'm so glad that pete, veronica, the fucking old commissioner or smthng and that fucker CEO buuut I want them to suffer more :(( I really didn't expect that veronica did all of that deception I CANNOT TAKE IT!! I used to think she is such a good gal because he let connor go but MODAFAKAH NO!! THERE IS SO MUCH MORE TO HER EVILNEEEESSS!! I am also glad that all is well that ends well, especially to Connor's family.... they accepted them little by little I WANNA CRY!! I want hasco together with gale HAHAHAHA I am not shocked by the fact that teri and mona are hanging out.... I don't feel anything when mona is with gwati... but with teri... BOOM!! LOL... I seriously don't want this to end tho.. I can't stop reading this but at the same time I don't want this series to end... that is why I've read tgis for 5 days AND DREAMT ABOUT IT IN THOSE DAYS AHAHAHAHA I want to see the child whom CoMon would adopt so baaaad... I am soooooo happy that Simon's dream of having a family with Connor, they both would make a good parent.... I danced when that fucker veronica died HAHAHHA GOOD FOR YOU FUCKER!! I REALLY MELTED WHEN THEIR DREAM OF HAVING A FAMILY CAME TRUE! MY HEART BROKE AND FLUTTER AS I AM READING THIS BOOK.... I will definitely buy the book juns-sensei is selling ARGHHHH!! REREAAAAAD!! Also.... FUCK WAF AND THOSE WHO DISCRIMINATE! This story made me realize a lot of things and I've also learnt a lot of things... ussually i don't like reversible couples, but I think I got to like it a bit more because of what connor said.... but at the moment, they are the couple that I accept as rversible couple.... Thank you juns-sensei~!!! I will catego rize this story with my standards with Harada-sensei... AND IT'S A REALLY GOOD THING... I LOVE THISSSSS!!
Gintama dj - Mienai Kusari