Kudos to the author, who did a really delicate & skillfull job in it's conclusion...
The story was simple yet woven in a yarn of human complexity.
Sungho just had to realize that past can't be changed or brought back. Holding onto it and repiting the cycle isn't gonna heal his trauma. The story also shows, the transparence of revenge, which's nothing but one's anchor to it's past.
Humans claim to be the most intelligent species, but in actual are the embodiment of ego/dominance & ignorance.
To just undertsand a simple thing, Sungho had to resort to violence/assault/rape. There's actually no one to blame here. It was all a play of feelings/emotions/love, which if couldn't be grasped properly, will lead to hypertension/distortion/abnormality, as all these things rn't tangible yet imperishable.