I just finished season 1!! daaaammmnnn! I legit love this story!
The art! The drama! The passion! The moral!
The reason why I'm rating it now is because I LOVED the season 1 finale! I didn't want season 2 to change that. again, I also loved the art! goddamn. esp the panels with no dialogues. they all got me TENSED! Whenever there are pages with no dialogues... TENSE! god.
The story was well thought of. The art sometimes was inconsistent but damn they could be pretty and beautiful af most of the time.
I like the build up.
I like the sequence of the stories.
I like how little, how focused they were in introducing stories.
They were balanced. Few ch for some stories and many ch for others. (Idk how to explain what I just said. lol.)
I also liked how each characters have their own significance and did not just focused on the MC and ML. (SPOILER: I cried at the fate of dandy. he had to have that fate to further fuel their ambition. god. aaaahh i cry).
I will now take my time reading season 2.
P.S. nothing SCREAMS "Conquer" as having their first f*ck (?) on the throne of the his father, the king, he just usurped and his headless body was a few meters away lying cold on the floor while his head was hanged outside the window for all witnesses to see. damn. bloody hell. hot af.
If it wasn't obvious enough, I recommend this a lot.
King's Maker