Complete | Team Hitman | 2018 released
2020-07-05 12:17 marked
A story that you won't stop yourself from flipping into next chapter WAAAAAAAAAAA THIS IS REALLY AWESOME!!! There'll be a time while you're reading this that you can't tell who's who and which is which. There are so many twist and turns that will make you drown to the manhwa itself.
Love Shuttle
Complete | Im Ae-Ju | 2000 released
Incidentally Living Together
Complete | Shin Yuri | 2000 released
2020-09-06 13:48 marked
I can relate on both sides and I have been a hikimomori too without knowing that it's called like that hahaha but yea, like them I surpassed my traumas too pfft and not cutting myself anymore~ fucking great story!!!!!!!! *Bow down*
Make Me Bark