Tai's manga / #smut(115)


Ongoing | Sumima | 2000 released

another fun dynamic where the guy is soft and domestic and likes to be dominated by his free spirited takes no shit female partner. its a cute but ultimately forgettable story. and the art is kinda ugly lol. but i enjoyed it. its an easy breezy read. alas there is no pegging. this guy woulda totally said yes too! (in fact he was perhaps a little too agreeable and mild mannered...) like the guy is a little too much of a pushover sometimes that he becomes pitiable. their relationship basiclaly didnt feel fully equal and it was also too short to rly delve into either character or the relationship as whole. but i did like the gender role reversal and finished it so its ok imo. not good. not bad. just ok.


Complete | Team Killerwhale | 2016 released
2020-08-06 16:23 marked

well goodness that was a Ride. there's alot of cyclical thoughts and dialogue on here. its a bit exhausting to read at times. its very dark and fucked up but not scary or nauseating the way killing stalking is. just a very different vibe despite the really creepy beginning. they both need massive psychiatric help tbh but since this is fiction i couldnt help but want those two crazy kids to work it out somehow and then they do! yay? ngl its a bit of an anti climactic ending. i dont think a tragic ending woulda been better just cause it woulda been patently obvious so rather smth less pitch black woulda been refreshing but this ending just felt kind of...idk flat. i think it works better if u read it all together with the final chpt, it feels like a nice reprieve from all the intense emotion and action then. also gonna be honest, didnt care about those other two criminal guys. at all. anyway gonna leave it at 4 stars tho since it was a good and sexy thriller. i think its fair to call it an erotic thriller right?

Classic BL Theater

Complete | Byeol,Bo | 2019 released

oh my gad this is HILARIOUS. i've only read the first story (i love a good anthology tbh) which is a bonkers take on the popular korean folktale of Chunhyang. i wont summarize it here, if u dont know it you must go wiki or google it cause knowing it will allow to appreciate how hysterical that first story is. the sex scenes are short but nice. i gotta say the story kept giggling enough that i wouldnt have noticed if there was no sexy times at all. EDIT: well finished it (all chpt now available in eng on tappytoon). and it was delightful from start to finish. definitely liked some stories more than others but i did enjoy the variation in size and shape among the tops and the bottoms and funny and not always obvious way the writer would spin each fairytale or folktale in her attempts to make then funnier and super gay. anyway def recommend it!

The Good Teacher

Complete | Eeej | 2020 released
2020-09-19 16:54 marked

completely adorable! and a couple of guys that feel like real people and not two BL stereotypes. their little romance is so precious and feels really natural despite the kinda goofy setup. but i actually thought the "sex lessons" were in fact quite sexy and a good setup to them realizing what a good fit they are outside the bedroom too. they go on little dates to the theater and to cafes and its all very precious and couplegoals. both guys are super hot to me (often times only one of them is My Type and the other im like "well he's fine" but not in this one!) a third and equally gorgeous guy appears later on who seemed like he would cause some drama but uh...he doesnt rly lol. its a bit anti climactic. but it wasnt a big problem to me, this is pretty low stakes story but its still very enjoyable to read. however this is also why i dont have much more to say than this.

No Holes Barred

Complete | Kim Jong Geon | 2000 released
2021-11-28 14:31 marked

S Flower

Complete | jinmi | 2000 released

Scandalous M

Complete | Kim Dan, WnB hair | 2000 released
2020-08-19 22:52 marked

this really is just porn with the barest hint of a plot but at least the romance once that creepy other guy is gone, is super sweet and wholesome. and thankfully at 45 chpt its a pretty compact story. i havent read the side stories yet and i dont know if i will. im pretty satisfied as is and dont feel need to read more. neway this has to be the least sexy bdsm and dom character i've seen so far in any comic that features it. the guy was just...fuckin horrible..also that bit at the end where they try to make us feel bad for him a little cause of his childhood? haha noooope. fuck right off with That. neway this story is a C+ at best

Fucked by My Best Friend

Complete | Yupopo orishima | 2019 released
2024-09-26 02:02 marked

Mangaka to Yakuza

Ongoing | koda | 2019 released
2020-08-26 02:50 marked

ok the setup is hella problematic but this guy is really hot ngl. and his catching feelings for her almost immediately is also very cute. anyway irl this kind of thing would be the stuff of nightmares but leave it to mangaland to turn it into a sex fantasy and a wholesome romance at the same time. is this what the female artists are doing cause apparently japanese men are too mild, passive and shy? i mean thats what i HEAR but....i mean it would explain alot about the usual male lead in those smutty josei comics.....(anyway unlike those guys who look bland af, THIS one is full Daddy and im into it). anyway i cant BELIEVE it took 13 chpt for him to realize she likes and wants foreplay but then again some men never figure it out so perhaps i should just be grateful lol. (and then this bitch doesnt confess her actual feelings until the FINAL chpt i was like ripping my hair out omg). sis get ur shit 2gether. it was a sweet ending but her bizarre internal justifications for why she cant tell him she loves him and why him saying to her MULTIPLE times is him being insincere is just....im sorry but the writing was not convincing there. it was smth that didnt need to be dragged out and the writer could've definitely found more organic ways to inject relationship angst. also the female lead's "but he could never like MEEE" despite his every single action indicating that he DOES find her both attractive and adorable is just...like...it was Alot ok. (and then there was that hella rapey beginning i mean tbf she Techinically consents but under duress so...). ultimately i liked this more than not. so ill give it a four since annoyed or not i was never bored which is rly all i ask from my comics. bad or good is fine but dont be boring ffs.

Over-cumming writer’s block

Ongoing | Nae*awaji | 2019 released